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these services and explaining why your organization cannot perform them. This will be <br />reviewed, then approved or denied by the public works foreman. <br />City Services will be coordinated with Centerville Public Works. We will need a couple <br />of tables at the finish line. Traffic cones at critical intersections. Traffic control will be <br />coordinated with CLPD. <br />12.OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: <br />Please list below any other miscellaneous information you feel would be important and <br />have a bearing on the approval of this Special Event Permit request: <br />13YEE STRUCTURE / EVENT CHARGES: <br />If there is a fee or donation required as a condition of attendance or participation of this <br />event, please describe the amounts to be collected from various categories of participants <br />or spectators: <br />The fees charged for this event will be the same as the fees charged by the City of <br />Centerville for the annual Fete de Lacs running events Currently that fee is $20 for child <br />(18 and under) and $30 for an adult. <br />14.If a donation is requested on a purely voluntary basis, describe how you intend to in- <br />form participants/spectators or others that they may participate in the event whether they <br />make a donation or not: <br />Centerville <br />Special Event Permit <br />NAME AND TYPE OF EVENT: Paddle de Fete, 3K Paddle Board, Canoe and Kayak <br />Race. <br />DAY, DATE AND TIME: Sunday July 23 1:00 pm. race start time <br />1. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br />Page 8 of 14 <br />30 <br />