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Res. #17-008 - Approving State of MN JPA on Behalf of its City Attorney & PD
City Council
Res. #17-008 - Approving State of MN JPA on Behalf of its City Attorney & PD
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employment), security, timeliness, training, use of the system, and validation. Agency has created its own policies to <br />ensure that Agency's employees and contractors comply with all applicable requirements. Agency ensures this <br />compliance through appropriate enforcement. These BCA and FBI-CJIS policies and regulations, as amended and <br />updated from time to time, are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. The policies are available at <br />htlps:// <br />2.5 Agency resources. To assist Agency in complying with the federal and state requirements on access to and use of <br />the various systems and tools, information is available at <br />Additional information on appropriate use is found in the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Policy on <br />Appropriate Use of Systems and Data available at <br />divisions/mnj is/DocumentsBCA-Policy-on-Appropriate-Use-of-Systems-and-Data.pdf. <br />2.6 Access granted. <br />A. Agency is granted permission to use all current and future BCA systems and tools for which Agency is <br />eligible. Eligibility is dependent on Agency (i) satisfying all applicable federal or state statutory requirements; (ii) <br />complying with the terms of this Agreement; and (iii) acceptance by BCA of Agency's written request for use of a <br />specific system or tool. <br />B. To facilitate changes in systems and tools, Agency grants its Authorized Representative authority to make <br />written requests for those systems and tools provided by BCA that the Agency needs to meet its criminal justice <br />obligations and for which Agency is eligible. <br />2.7 Future access. On written request by Agency, BCA also may provide Agency with access to those systems or <br />tools which may become available after the signing of this Agreement, to the extent that the access is authorized by <br />applicable state and federal law. Agency agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement <br />that when utilizing new systems or tools provided under this Agreement. <br />2.8 Limitations on access. BCA agrees that it will comply with applicable state and federal laws when making <br />information accessible. Agency agrees that it will comply with applicable state and federal laws when accessing, <br />entering, using, disseminating, and storing data. Each party is responsible for its own compliance with the most <br />current applicable state and federal laws. <br />2.9 Supersedes prior agreements. This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements between the BCA and <br />the Agency regarding access to and use of systems and tools provided by BCA. <br />2.10 Requirement to update information. The parties agree that if there is a change to any of the information <br />whether required by law or this Agreement, the party will send the new information to the other party in writing <br />within 30 days of the change. This clause does not apply to changes in systems or tools provided under this <br />Agreement. <br />This requirement to give notice additionally applies to changes in the individual or organization serving a city as its <br />prosecutor. Any change in performance of the prosecutorial function must be provided to the BCA in writing by <br />giving notice to the Service Desk, BCA.ServiceDesk(& <br />2.11 Transaction record. The BCA creates and maintains a transaction record for each exchange of data utilizing its <br />systems and tools. In order to meet FBI-CJIS requirements and to perform the audits described in Clause 7, there <br />must be a method of identifying which individual users at the Agency conducted a particular transaction. <br />If Agency uses either direct access as described in Clause 2.2A or indirect access as described in Clause 2.2B, BCA's <br />transaction record meets FBI-CJIS requirements. <br />When Agency's method of access is a computer to computer interface as described in Clause 2.2C, the Agency must <br />keep a transaction record sufficient to satisfy FBI-CJIS requirements and permit the audits described in Clause 7 to <br />occur. <br />If an Agency accesses data from the Driver and Vehicle Services Division in the Minnesota Department of Public <br />
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