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Res. #17-008 - Approving State of MN JPA on Behalf of its City Attorney & PD
City Council
Res. #17-008 - Approving State of MN JPA on Behalf of its City Attorney & PD
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COURT DATA SERVICES SUBSCRIBER AMENDMENT TO <br />CJDN SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT <br />This Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment ("Subscriber Amendment") is entered into by <br />the State of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal <br />Apprehension, ("BCA") and the City of Centerville on behalf of its Prosecuting Attorney <br />("Agency"), and by and for the benefit of the State of Minnesota acting through its State Court <br />Administrator's Office ("Court") who shall be entitled to enforce any provisions hereof through <br />any legal action against any ply. <br />Recitals <br />This Subscriber Amendment modifies and supplements the Agreement between the BCA and <br />Agency, SWIFT' Contract number 119010. of even or prior date, for Agency use of BCA systems <br />and tools (referred to herein as "the CJDN Subscriber Agreement"). Certain BCA systems and <br />tools that include access to and/or submission of Court Records may only be utilized by the <br />Agency if the Agency completes this Subscriber Amendment. The Agency desires to use one or <br />more BCA systems and tools to access and/or submit Court Records to assist the Agency in the <br />efficient performance of its duties as required or authorized by law or court rule. Court desires to <br />permit such access and/or submission. This Subscxiber Amendment is intended to add Court as a <br />party to the CJDN Subscriber Agreement and to create obligations by the Agency to the Court <br />that can be enforced by the Court. It is also understood that, pursuant to the Master Joint Powers <br />Agreement for Delivery of Court Data Services to CJDN Subscribers ("Master Authorization <br />Agreement") between the Court and the BCA, the BCA is authorized to sign this Subscriber <br />Amendment on behalf of Court. Upon execution the Subscriber Amendment will be <br />incorporated into the CJDN Subscriber Agreement by reference. The BCA, the Agency and the <br />Court desire to amend the CJDN Subscriber Agreement as stated below. <br />The CJDN Subscriber Agreement is amended by the addition of the following provisions: <br />• TERM; TERMINATION; ONGOING OBLIGATIONS. This Subscriber <br />Amendment shall be effective on the date finally executed by all parties and shall remain in <br />effect until expiration or termination of the CJDN Subscriber Agreement unless terminated <br />earlier as provided in this Subscriber Amendment. Any party may terminate this Subscriber <br />Amendment with or without cause by giving written notice to all other parties. The effective <br />date of the termination shall be thirty days after the other party's receipt of the notice of <br />termination, unless a later date is specified in the notice. The provisions of sections 5 through 9, <br />12.b., 12.c., and 15 through 24 shall survive any termination of this Subscriber Amendment as <br />WWI any other provisions which by their nature are intended or expected to survive such <br />termination. Upon tenimation, the Subscriber shall perform the responsibilities set forth in <br />paragraph 7(f) hereof. <br />DeBnitions. Unless otherwise specifically defined, each term used herein shall have <br />the meaning assigned to such term in the CJDN Subscriber Agreernent. <br />59 <br />
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