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<br />alent ServIce Plan <br />ow of CententIIIe. MInI IfiOtI <br /> <br />Purpose: <br />The Client Service Plan is iJltepdM to lay forth our c:ommitmeDt.and ~aent for a seamless <br />tnmsitfoD in the City Engineer position. While we stIDd beIdnd our ..ouldli~ we are flexible <br />and will COORIiDate with the City daougbout the tnJIMIt{oa period to make any J1eCC8lI8I'Y <br />adjustments to best meet the City'. needs. <br />WbBe Tom Peterson cummtly serves as CeDterville's City EDgineer, we believe that it is in the <br />best interests of CeDtervilIe to traasition enJincerinl respousibiIitie to Mark Statz. Matt will <br />work to more .....ively anticipate and .espoad to the City's needs. On any given projeet, Made <br />will provide altematiws for the City to eonDWas well as a RCb.fI~OJI Made wBl plan <br />ahead to stay in tiont of projects, work with......, apacies to incOJpoIate their standaIds <br />into the desi~ aud deliver prqjects on time aDd within budget. <br />Tom will wode with Mark over the DBXt three months to proWIe .8I<w.qee and to traDBition <br />projects. It is our iDtent to fbIJy traJJSition ~ respcmsibilitie by August 1,2006. <br />Communication: <br />As your city Bngineer, Mark will C(),tm-~e regularly on the status of existir1g projects or <br />assigmnenIs and keep CenterviI1e informed of DeW issues or opportuDiIies. Mark will wodc <br />ctirect1y with Dallas LaIson, Centerville City ,l.mmniAtnatm'. Dallas is Mark's main point of <br />CODtact however, ~ upon the project, Marltwill aJso -..... and work directly <br />with Paul PaIzer and other City emp1oyees. <br /> <br />Work AssIgnments and AuthorJzatJon: <br />All workassi~ wiD come fiom Dallas. TlKRam times when the City Council may am <br />work ditection durins the course of a CouncU. m-ti... In that event, Madt wiD follow up with <br />Dallas to CODftrm dUection given by tho CouIlcil and discuss bow to proceed. Aay requests for <br />work fiom CenterviJle City Staffwill be aclmowledpd by Made in the form of an e-maU.Ielter, <br />or phone call. <br /> <br />Changes In Project Scope and Budget: <br />Any ohrnp. in a project scope and fee must be docua-ded in writing and agreed upon by Mark <br />and Dallas. CbaDges in project fee may require prior approval of the City Coaaoil BonesImo has <br />agreed to ..eo.m all wOlk on III hourly, not to exceed basis, for CentervilJe. <br />To ensure that projects are cIelmnd witJDa Centavi1le's budget, Bonestrao wm pstlfonn tepIar <br />cost esIimates Oft projecIs aDd wmk closely with Dallas to eDSlD that fimdiDg _to'- tiDal <br />project costs. WheDeYerpossible, Bonesl1oo wiD inform the City of outside fbndina IC)'IRGS for <br />pmjec1s such as grants or loans. . . <br /> <br />/3 <br />