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<br />Mark Statz, p.E. <br /> <br />CI/ent St1nI/Ce <br />IIIInager/CI4y <br />~ <br /> <br />a EcfuaIIIon <br />UnIvemII1 of Mfnnesota <br />Bachelor of 0vI ElIgfneerfl19 - 1999 <br /> <br />aA~~ <br />Ai,.......... Sodlq of CIvB ElIgIneeIS <br /> <br />a CUrrent .....cdh.n <br />Mfr....aIa <br /> <br />a MrtIDOT C.,lIIcallolls <br />GrIdfng and Base I & B <br />Concrete field I & II <br />::=.'=~ <br /> <br />Mark has become weI..ased In the dudes of a dIent service manager through <br />his ~~~ with the CIIy of Rt.A.klAd. . well. hfs 0ItIer dIenIs. IV. a result <br />of time spent In the ftekI as a consaructJon lrlSpeCtDr; he has a solid fouIldatfon <br />of skIIs and lcnaIc'JtE.rIge necess;uy to 5efve his dfenrs. lIIusrrared In his real world <br />desfgn and mat.eg6Mletlt S\Yfes. <br />[J ClIent Management ExperIence <br />.. Rodd'OId. _ - CIIy EngIneerICIJent Servlce Manager eft'ecIiVe January. <br />2004 <br />.. cttanhIIsen, IIJN - AssIsta1It CDent Servft.e Mal I8geI eIfedive March. <br />2002 <br />.. Maple.... MN - Aufstant CIIy EngIneerIClentSelvlce Manager <br />efI'ec:dve Jaruuy. 2000 <br />.. Sprfng I.ake Townshfp," - Township EngIneerICIJent Servlce Manager <br />eIfeCIIVe~. 2005 <br />.. OgIlvIe. BIN - CIIy EngIneer/OlentseMce Manager effeCtIve.January. <br />2004 <br />[J Responsiveness <br />Mark h8s a reputation as a rttpOl1Slve dfent seJVIce manager. HIs .d\;,glU;$ can <br />speak to his I'equent and effldent cornJI'IIftcaII Mark ~ a <br />combIJ talfon of phone. and emaB c:ommunk:atIon to prevent <br />c:ornrmri:atfon gaps. while mil dmI2II tg time. His expefIeIlCeS as a field <br />supeJVIsor and project manager keep hfm mIndfiII of the blg picture and the <br />smallest detatIs. <br /> <br />a ResponsIbIIf,y <br />1$ a dIenI: service ..tilfsger. Mark knows the buck must stop with him. <br />DeadIfnes. permit appIkaIIons. agel'1q approvals and Ihe like are allIems tte Is <br />f~~ for In hfs role as client servJce maJtageI- He performs these servk:es <br />for his 0Iher cities wBI apply the same level ofseMce to CenterYIJIe.. ~IQ <br />or dodgfflg these respoJ l5IbIJftfes Is not an oprfon. <br /> <br />[J 0Ient SeIvIce Manager DutIes <br />.. Selves as apptIh tb!d CIIy EngIneer or wortcs WIIh the l:tJ)pUIIltec:f EngllIeeI <br />.. Revfews cbdopmellt plans to verItY CIIy .rdaldI are met and long <br />term Inl'rastructure needs are Incotporated <br />.. Leads all desfgn prqJects and Is J'QJIUfdfbfe for bedblfad ~. budget. <br />schedule. and 0Iher prQJect Issues <br />.. Updates and ntal8ge5long tenn c:omprehensIve plans for pavement <br />manageltIeIJt. udIJtfes. and parteS <br />.. CornnuIk:a1:es with CIIy StIff <br />.. Handles resident a,,'h'tfla ,..drtg prqJea:s <br />.. Prepales and presents CIIJ CGundI subr... <br /> <br />......- <br />u= <br /> <br />.........6~ <br /> <br />/1 <br />