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<br />Phone: Day: (651) 214- 4175 Night: (651) 214- 4175 <br />~ CentervDIe State: ~ Zip: 55038 <br />E-mail <br />Location of Property: <br />SJ, A .:I.t-ID N ' 1994 North Robin Lane Centervllle, MN 55038 <br />lie nuw_nODSe 0.: <br />Lega1 DescriptionofPlope1l,: Lot 13 Block 1 Royal Meadows <br /> <br />Size of Lot or Parcel: 890*100 Current Zmdng: R8$ Hstd Est. Cost ofProjed: S 1,118 <br /> <br />Type of CoDstruction: ( 0/ Check aD thati> <br />Wood: 6' orUDder: III <br />Chain Link: 6' 1" or Over: IT (A Sepamte Building Permit is Needed.) <br />SpHtRail (Front Yard): . <br />Decomtive (Front Yard): U <br />Other <br />(Describe): <br />Footage: 148' <br />Contmctor: <br />Anticipated S1artiDg Date: 05 I 01 I 2006 <br /> <br />A sketch dm.wn to scale must be attached showing; A. Lot lilies and comer pins; B. Dimensions of msting bui1cUogs and pmposed <br />DeW fence; c. Distanc:es ftom lot lines and builcliugs. D. AD ~ (Utility and dmtDage) E. U~ lines entP.riqg the pIUpCrty. <br />Comer pins most be esrab1islied and marked by the owner and visible for ~ Two eopies of constmction plaDs must also be <br />submitted. <br />Property Line Setbac1cs: <br />. at the ProperIJ'ftOm the sIreet: <br />Live on a Comer Lot? Yes <br />Work in Right ofW'-'fl No <br /> <br />I hereby declare that I am the owner, or authorized agent of the owner, of the above described property lIJld I agree to CODStIuct the fence or use <br />herein descrlbed in acc:oJdawee with the regu]alicms lIJld Oldinadces that govern said hupuWlllle,llt within the City of Centen:ille lIJld that the <br />foJegoiDg information contbinecl on this app1ication is a true and correct ~ ofmy intentions. An provisions of laws and o,dbtaw..... goveming <br />this type of work will be c:omplied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give 811thorlty to 'fiolate or <br />canc:el tbe p.rov:isions of lID)' other slate or local Jaw mguJaling fences or ccmstrucIion thereof: I aJldentaDd that 8IlY utility that must .., moved as <br />a result of 8ddItlcms OJ" alteratfcms to the property will be at my expeuse and I wDI be RlS)JODSIble for the cost of the plan cheek of tills <br />application even though I do not CODdmle the project. I also IIDderstand that lite aay of CenterviJle Is DOC verIfyiDg my property lines, they <br />.... 0DIy vlsuaDy IDspec:ting that I have obtained 8 certificate of sunray or have exposed the exIstIDg DlOJI1IJIIeDts. I agree to be held eJl1iRly <br />nsponsible for the placement of lite feJace and If In the tbtare it Is det.ermI1Ied to be In a cb1daageJutIIli1 easement It wBI be removed at my <br />espeIIlI8 and if In the ftd&re It Is deandIuW to be lID the p,.ny line or DeIgIIbors property. without proper abattlng neighbor appnwaJ <br />ftledwith the aay, ofCeDtemJleltwDI also ~ ~ ~ FeIlCeS shaD DOC fmpedewaterdnllnageltlowag , <br />Signature of AppIicaDt:~ 1 t. , Date:!M-! 28 I 2006 <br /> <br />~"''''-''-''-CIlwI--' <br />Fence PermIt Approved By: Dale: ~:!:J.oC <br />FernIe PermIt DenIed For: ' Date: _L.-1_ <br />Attached Letters From AbultIng .' .. . <br />Pmperl.y 0WneI8 on FOe with CIty: <br /> <br /> <br />APPLICATION FOR FENCE PERMIT <br /> <br />mmI aU.iofomhdion on this appJication. <br /> <br />PERMIT N1JMBER: <br /> <br />Wayne Hurd . <br />Address: 1994 North RobIn Lane <br /> <br />Phone: <br /> <br />License :f# <br />P~:"lH1ed Completion Date: 05 I 08 I 2006 <br /> <br />Front Setback. <br />Left SicleUne: <br /> <br />Rear Setback: <br />Right SideUne: <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />ft. <br />ft. <br /> <br />Date:~-'_ <br />Date:~-'_ <br />Date:~-'_ <br /> <br />TOTAL FEES DUE: $ <br /> <br />51UIO <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />ft. <br />ft. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />6# <br />