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RCWD <br />RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT <br />The feasibility study performed by RCWD has indicated that there is little to no impact downstream of Peltier <br />Lake as a result of the drawdown. The drawdown will not cause any flooding to occur. The refilling will not cause <br />any flood issues. <br />WHAT IMPACT WILL THE DRAWDOWN HAVE ON FISH AND WILDLIFE? <br />Anoka County currently operates a reaeration system within Pettier Lake to minimize fish kill during the winter. <br />The aerator will be used to minimize winterkill during the drawdown. Since the drawdown is proposed during fall <br />and winter months, there should be no impact to the seasonal heron rookery. <br />WILL THE DRAWDOWN OF PELTIER LAKE IMPACT THE LAKE LEVELS IN CENTERVILLE <br />LAKE? <br />St. Paul Regional Water Services owns a culvert and small dam under Main Street that connects Peltier to <br />Centerville. Stop logs will be used in this structure to maintain current water levels on Centerville Lake and <br />therefore Centerville Lake will not be drawn down. The structure will also ensure water does not flow from <br />Peltier to Centerville, during the refilling of Peltier Lake in the spring of 2017. <br />WILL THE DRAWDOWN RESULT IN SEDIMENT BUILDUP BEHIND THE PEL TIER LAKE DAM <br />OR DOWNSTREAM OF THE DAM? <br />The RCWD is evaluating the sediment behind the dam and will implement the necessary actions during the <br />drawdown to minimize sediment buildup behind the dam and sediment transport downstream of the dam. <br />WILL THE DRAWDOWN HAVE ANY EFFECT ON LOCAL GROUNDWATER LEVEL AND <br />WELLS? <br />The lake drawdown depth is approximately 3 feet. The Minnesota County Well Index indicates that domestic <br />groundwater wells within the vicinity of Peltier Lake typically range from 60 to 100 feet deep and are accessing <br />deeper, water bearing aquifers. The bottom of these wells are much deeper than the drawdown elevation of the <br />lake. Therefore, the drawdown is not expected to affect the nearby groundwater wells. <br />WILL THE EXISTING DAM BE REMOVED OR ALTERED? <br />No, the drawdown will be performed by removing stop logs from an outlet structure that is part of the dam. This <br />will create a small section of the dam that is approximately 3 feet lower than the top of the dam, allowing the <br />lake water to outlet through this section until the lake level is even with the bottom of the outlet structure. <br />HOW IS THE DRAWDOWN PROJECT BEING FUNDED AND WHAT WILL IT COST? <br />A feasibility study of the drawdown was funded and completed by the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) in <br />2015, costing approximately $19,000. The actual drawdown will also be funded by the RCWD and will cost <br />approximately $25,000. The RCWD pays for this using District tax revenue and projects of this nature are <br />considered part of the RCWD normal operating budget. No new money or additional assessment were made to <br />pay for this work. <br />WILL THERE BE ANY ADDITIONAL PUBLIC MEETINGS? <br />Other than the July 7, 2016 public meeting referenced in the Landowner Approval Packet, no additional public <br />meetings are expected at this time. <br />118 <br />