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Ms. Jane Rose <br />October 12, 2015 <br />Page 3 <br />and eastbound traffic that occurred in 2013, with the cause of the crash being <br />disregarding of the signal system by the eastbound vehicle. Thus, there does not <br />appear to be a safety concern at this intersection with the presence of signalized <br />operation. <br />One of the recommendations from the MnDOT Rafflc Signal Timing and Coordination <br />Manual is to utilize Vrotected left turn phasing only either for situations where the posted <br />speed limit exceeds 45 mph and the peak hour left turning volume is greater than 240 <br />vehicles per hour, or for when the cross product between the northbound left turn traffic <br />volume and the southbound through traffic volume exceeds 80,000. With regards to the <br />most recent available traffic counts: <br />a. Between the hours of 7:00 am -8:00 am and also 4:00 pm -5:00 pm of the most recent <br />traffic counts, westbound left turn volumes exceeded 150 vehicles per hour (peaking <br />at 208 left turns between 7-8 am). No other intersection approach exceeded 100 left <br />turning vehicles per hour. <br />b. In the 2007 traffic counts, left turns for southbound traffic between 10:00 am -11:00 <br />am approached 300 vehicles per hour. No other left turn count in these counts <br />exceeded 110 vehicles per hour. <br />c. For the AM peak hour in 2015, the cross product between westbound left turn traffic <br />volumes and eastbound through traffic volumes exceeded 80,000 (96,304). For all <br />other movements with both the 2007 and 2015 counts, no hour had a cross product <br />exceeding 80,000. <br />Following up against the flashing yellow arrow criteria from the MnDOT Traffic Signal Timing and <br />Coordination Manual: <br />Left turn lanes line up well for each intersection approach with sufficient turning room in the <br />intersection so that left turn paths were not conflicting. This was observed specifically for the <br />southbound dual left turn and northbound single left turn movement where protected left turn <br />phasing was run together for these movements with no conflicts between either direction's <br />left turn movements. Eastbound and westbound left turn movements are offset far enough <br />such that no conflicts in left turn paths are occurring. <br />2. Only the southbound approach has two left turn lanes. For this approach, the MnDOT <br />Manual suggests that protected operation be utilized during the higher volume periods of the <br />day with Engineering judgment being used to determine if flashing yellow operation could be <br />used for all other times of the day. <br />3. There are less than 3 opposing lanes of traffic facing each intersection approach. <br />4. The intersection does not have a high crash rate and there is no significant history of right <br />angle crashes involving left turning traffic. <br />In summary, as there is no significant crash history for left turning traffic and traffic volumes are likely <br />lower for the entire intersection (outside of the peak traffic periods), the County should be able to <br />125 <br />