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o <br />Mn/DOT Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination Manual <br />Use of posted speed limit is recommended. Non -arterial approaches may have lower speeds than <br />the posted speed limit because they are often in a stop condition upon the arrival of traffic. Grades <br />affect the acceleration rate of the left turner and the stopping distance and speed of the opposing <br />through traffic and are therefore considered in conjunction with speeds. <br />✓ Cross Product: The left turn volume multiplied by the opposing through volume. The cross product <br />values used are taken from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Traffic Signal <br />Design Manual discussion on left turn conflicts analysis, Chapter 2, Section 3, Subject 4. Cross <br />product used represents a high frequency of conflicts for left turners looking for gaps In through <br />traffic. <br />FYA during Free Operation <br />With the variable -phasing operation of the FYA head, free operation will no longer have an assigned fixed <br />phasing operation. therefore, standard free operation will need to be set up In the signal controller so <br />technicians can put signals quickly to FREE with a standard phasing operation desired at the specific time. <br />Here is an example of the standard FREE operations that will need to be set up in the signal controller. <br />1. All left turns protected <br />2. All left turns protected/permissive <br />3. All left turns permissive <br />4. Mainline protected, cross street protected permissive <br />S. Mainline protected, cross street permissive <br />6. Mainline protected/permissive, cross street protected <br />7. Mainline protected/permissive, cross street permissive <br />8. Mainline permissive, cross street protected <br />9. Mainline permissive, cross street protected/permissive Minimum Green Times <br />Minimum Green Times <br />Mn/DOT currently sets the minimum green time based on the type of phasing operation where protected <br />lefts have a 7 second minimum green and protected/permissive lefts have a 5 second minimum green. <br />Given the FYA head is a variable phasing operation head, a decision will need to be made as to if there <br />should be more than one minimum green value that changes with the phasing operation, or if a universal <br />minimum green should apply to all phasing operations. <br />If one minimum green Is used, and if a left turn phase will ever run protected, the left turn minimum green <br />should be set at 7 seconds. If a left turn will never run protected (i.e. only run protected/permissive or <br />permissive), then the left turn minimum green should be set at 5 seconds. <br />EVP Preemption Operation under FYA <br />A. Protected -only Operation <br />✓ When the FYA is not allowed (protected only), the pre-emption will bring up the protected left turn <br />and the adjacent through phase. The opposing FYA will not be allowed during preemption (refer to <br />Exhibit 3-15). <br />May 2011 Local Intersection Concepts Page 13-31 <br />140 <br />