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SCRCWD <br />RICE (REEK WATERSMED DISTRICT <br />problematic to manage, generally describe one or more methods for managing these flows, and identify <br />whether assistance from RCWD is needed. <br />Identify regulated areas such as Resource Management Plan (RMP) areas, Wetland Protection <br />Zones, Ecological Management Corridor, High Quality Wetlands, MN County Biological Survey. <br />_ Set forth an implementation program, including a description of official controls and, as <br />appropriate, a capital improvement program. Clearly define responsibilities of the local government unit <br />(LGU) from that of RCWD for carrying out implementation components. <br />` Include a table that briefly describes each component of the implementation program and clearly <br />details the schedule, estimated cost, and funding sources for each component including annual budget <br />totals. <br />Include an assessment of the existing water resource related problems in your community. <br />_ Include an assessment of the potential water resource related problems in your community. <br />Include a prioritized nonstructural, programmatic, and structural solutions to identified problems. <br />_Include a list or map of impaired waters within your community as shown on the most current 303d <br />impaired waters list. <br />OTHER WATERSHED REQUIREMENTS <br />(Please note these requirements are for RCWD. There may be other watershed organizations within your <br />community with different requirements) <br />_ Identify land -locked sub -watershed units and basins and strategies to manage water volumes in <br />land -locked areas to minimize flooding. <br />_ Identify impaired water bodies and establish policies and actions to address TMDL goals. <br />Identify Key Conservation Areas in your community and assess the adequacy of local policies and <br />regulatory control in place to conserve hydrology and ecologic value of the resources in the area. The <br />plan must set forth a strategy and schedule for the amendment of those policies and controls as <br />necessary to meet performance standards established in plans. <br />_ Discuss geologic features, groundwater sensitivity, groundwater dependent natural resource, and <br />groundwater discharge and recharge areas including the identification of potential land uses affecting <br />groundwater. <br />Identify ideas and opportunities for projects and programs intended to improve resource <br />management, which many be jointly implemented with the RCWD. <br />Describe the conformance of the municipality with NPDES requirements for MS4 permits, including <br />TMDL and Non -degradation (if applicable) requirements. Must include the SWPPP or a summary of its <br />content and incorporate the plan by reference. <br />Identify erosion and sediment ordinances for sites less than 1 acre in size. <br />95 <br />