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PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />Wednesday, February 1, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Parks & Recreation Committee of the City of <br />Centerville held a scheduled meeting on February 1, 2017 at the City Hall location. <br />Present: Vice Chairperson Kevin Amundsen <br />Committee Member Chris Bettinger <br />Committee Member Brian Peterson <br />Committee Member Suzanne Seeley �} <br />Also Present: Council Member, Montain <br />Race Director Kerri Kolstad <br />Tom Lee — Music in the Park <br />City Administrator, Mike Ericson <br />Absent: Committee Member Waeghe <br />Public Works Director Palzer <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br />Vice Chairperson Amundsen called the February 1, 2017 Meeting of the Parks & <br />Recreation Committee to order at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. <br />II. APPROVE AGENDA <br />Committee Members added Report of Race Director, Ms. Kerri Kolstad, Wahoo! <br />Adventures and Hogweed and Wild Parsnips under Unfinished Business, Items 41 & 46 <br />respectively. <br />Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member <br />Bettinger to Approve the Agenda as Amended. All in favor. Motion carried. <br />III. APPOINTMENTS/PRESENTATIONS <br />IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Motion by Committee Member Peterson, seconded by Committee Member <br />Bettinger to Approve the Minutes of January 4, 2017 as presented. All in favor. <br />Motion carried. <br />V. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />1. Race Director Report, Ms. Kerri Kolstad, Wahoo! Adventures <br />a. Paddleboard & Kayaking Event as Per Pat Branch <br />