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Teresa Bender <br />M: Laska, Nancy <> <br />Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 10:14 AM <br />To: Teresa Bender <br />Subject: Feedback from resident at 1393 Mound Trail <br />Theresa, thanks for the information this morning on the meeting that I missed this week! Please forward this email to <br />anyone you feel is appropriate as I would like to thank the mayor and counsel for keeping the cost of the upcoming <br />street improvements down and at a very reasonable assessment, much appreciated! <br />I would also like to take this chance to voice my opinion on the upcoming water hookup accessment for those of us who <br />have not and have a perfectly good working well, last I heard this would become mandatory by the end of 2017. <br />I understand that if my well starts having issues and stops working that I would be required to hook up to city water, but <br />until that time it seems silly for me to pay for something I already get for free (and is excellent tasting water). I would <br />be willing to pay the connect fee costs now and then just have to pay a contractor to do the hookup if and when my well <br />is no longer working. <br />If there is any meeting in the future to discuss this assessment, please let me know and I will attend and voice my <br />opinion but thought an email might be just as effective. <br />Nancy Laska <br />.393 Mound Trail <br />612-581-1193 <br />This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email service. <br />For more information please visit <br />