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City of Centerville <br />Council Meeting Minutes <br />May 25, 2017 <br />also stated that the make-up of members could deviate from this but within the open <br />meeting law regulations. <br />Council Member King had concerns regarding things being pushed through and desired <br />to ensure that the full Council would receive a recommendation from the Committee and <br />then Council would discuss and make decisions. He stated that he is in favor of the <br />proposal. <br />Council Member Koski stated he feels that the Personnel Committee works well in <br />Lexington, has concerns about current policy, job descriptions and possible need for <br />updating, looking at the League of MN Cities for training opportunities and programs for <br />providing services, costs and providing opportunities for staff to be heard. <br />Mayor Paar stated that in the past he has been in Administrative Offices, does believe that <br />the 2017 City Focus goals address maintaining a high quality staff, but believes that the <br />Committee should be organized first allowing for their research and recommendation <br />back to the full Council regarding educational needs, staff improvement, organizational <br />review, etc. <br />Council Member Montain stated that he has participated in similarly lead sessions and <br />some are good and others are not, he too feels that the 2017 City Focus Goals address <br />maintaining a high quality staff, has concerns that not everyone has the same ideas, does <br />not feel that the Attorney should be appointed to the Committee due to costs, that the <br />Attorney's use in employment matters should be on-call, that most Staff supersede <br />Council in longevity, has concerns for possibility of micro -managing Staff and day to day <br />operations. <br />Council Member King questioned whether the entire Council would be made aware of <br />the meeting of the Personnel Committee. City Attorney Glaser stated that the meeting of <br />the Committee would generate notification to Council members; however, does not <br />require that legal notification be given that they are meeting as they are not a quorum of <br />elected or appointed individuals. <br />Council Member Paar strongly agreed that no micro -managing would occur, that the <br />Committee is just another tool that can be utilized. <br />Council Member Love stated that the Agenda Item of HueLife Proposal morphed into the <br />potential for forming a Personnel Committee and believes that the HueLife Proposal <br />should be tabled with discussion of the Personnel Committee at their next meeting. City <br />Attorney Glaser stated that the Council does have discretion to add items to their agenda <br />at their meeting and that it ties into what the Administrator proposed regarding an <br />organizational review. <br />Council Member Montain stated that he felt it was a step-by-step process. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />E'? <br />