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housing and redevelopment authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, <br />as amended, and the powers of a city under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.124 through 469.134, as <br />amended. <br />3.02. The sale of all general obligation or revenue bonds of the EDA must be approved by the <br />Council before such bonds or obligations are issued. <br />3.03. The EDA shall follow the budget process for City departments as provided by the City <br />and as implemented by the Council. <br />3.04. All actions of the EDA must be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan of the <br />City and any official controls implementing the comprehensive plan. <br />3.05. The general budget of the EDA must be transmitted and approved by this Council at the <br />same time as the City's general budget. <br />3.06. Notwithstanding Section 469.101, Subdivision 4 of the Act, the EDA may not take or <br />attempt to take any property within the City by eminent domain without the prior approval of this <br />Council. <br />3.07 As a means of more clearly setting forth its powers and rules of procedure, at its initial <br />organizational meeting the EDA shall adopt a set of Bylaws, which shall, among other things, establish <br />the general policy duties and provide for the appointment of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, <br />Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary. The initial Bylaws and subsequent amendments thereto must also be <br />approved by a majority vote of this Council. <br />Adopted by the Centerville City Council this 28`h day of June, 2017. <br />ATTEST: <br />Mike Ericson, City Administrator <br />3 <br />Jeffrey Paar, Mayor <br />