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2. Process Consulting is a powerful tool which is used to enhance group effectiveness, <br />shorten meeting times, and address conflict. It helps teams to work together more <br />effectively, and its effects can last long after the consultant has departed. The benefits of <br />process consulting are usually: shorter meetings, more productive meetings, better <br />decisions, increased feelings of participation or potency, greater satisfaction with the <br />team or meetings. Process consulting is carefully intervening in a group or team to help <br />It to accomplish its goals. The consultant does not try to help the team as an expert; <br />instead, the consultant helps the team to help itself. Process consulting also requires a <br />client who is aware of their problems, and who is willing to listen and change some <br />habits if needed. In some ways, process consulting is as difficult for the client as it is for <br />the consultant, because they must put aside any natural defensiveness and temporarily <br />yield their authority in some ways. However, the rewards far outweigh the efforts and <br />risks. <br />HOW We Facilitate <br />A fundamental assumption is that everyone has a contribution to make and that sharing <br />the experience and knowledge of all participants is a valuable part of the planning <br />session. The facilitator's role is to select appropriate tools and methods, manage <br />participation, facilitate knowledge and idea sharing and guide the group in the decision <br />making process. <br />Roles and Responsibilities <br />The role of Huelffie, LLC is to: <br />o Develop, customize and facilitate review of Administrator <br />o Facilitate a 3-4 hour workshop with staff and consulting staff <br />OProvide a safe, welcoming, inclusive and productive event <br />❑ Produce documentation and professional report <br />E3 Set-up and tear -down meeting room <br />The role of the City & to: <br />n Select participants <br />o Schedule meeting room and staff <br />o Provide food and snacks <br />Autfcipated Participants <br />Having key stakeholders present is the best way to ensure the plan will be appropriate, <br />workable, and received enthusiastically. The following represent a partial list of those who <br />will be attending the one of the two events <br />✓ City Council <br />✓ Key Staff <br />V City Administrator <br />✓ Consulting staff <br />City of Centerville Proposal Page 2 <br />20 <br />14 <br />32 <br />