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GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />§ 153.01 TITLE; JURISDICTION. <br />(A) This chapter may be cited as the Centerville Subdivision Ordinance and will be referred to herein as this <br />chapter. <br />(B) The geographic jurisdiction of this chapter includes the entire area within the corporate limits of the city. <br />§ 153.02 PURPOSE. <br />This chapter is adopted: <br />(A) To assist the orderly, efficient and integrated development of the city; <br />(B) To provide uniform procedures and standards for all subdivisions; <br />(C) To ensure consistency between future subdivision development and the city comprehensive plan; and <br />(D) To provide for the protection and conservation of floodplains, shorelands, soils, water, vegetation, <br />energy, air quality, geologic and ecologic features and features and agricultural lands. <br />§ 153.03 COMPLIANCE. <br />Platting is required for all subdivisions creating five or more lots, regardless of size, or subdivisions <br />which create parcels which are two and one-half acres or less in size. Hereafter, no lot in a subdivision may be <br />sold, no permit to erect, alter or repair any building upon land in a subdivision may be issued, and no building <br />may be erected in a subdivision, unless and until a subdivision plan has been approved and, where required, <br />recorded, and until the improvements required by the Council in connection therewith have either been <br />constructed or guaranteed, as herein provided. <br />§ 153.04 CONFLICT. <br />Where the conditions imposed by any provisions of this chapter are either more or less restrictive than <br />comparable conditions imposed by any other regulation, the regulations which impose the higher standard or <br />requirements shall prevail. <br />§ 153.05 DEFINITIONS. <br />43 <br />2671 Page <br />