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Res. #17-010 - Establishment of the EDA of the City of Centerville
City Council
Res. #17-010 - Establishment of the EDA of the City of Centerville
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CITY OF CENTERVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION NO.„m^dol@`N�, w k���' 1 0”) <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Centerville, Minnesota <br />(the "City"), as follows: <br />Section 1. Recitals. <br />1.01. The City is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through <br />469.1082, as amended (the "Act") to establish an economic development authority for the City, and this <br />Council desires to do so in order to promote certain economic, commercial, housing and industrial <br />development and redevelopment goals and objectives. <br />1.02. This Council hereby finds that the encouragement and financial support of economic <br />development and redevelopment in the City is vital to the orderly development and is in the best interests <br />of the health, safety, prosperity and general welfare of the residents of the City. <br />1.03. The City has caused notice of a public hearing on the establishment of an economic <br />development authority to be published in the Quad Community Press, a newspaper of general circulation <br />in the City, once each week for two consecutive weeks (June 20 and June 27, 2017), and pursuant to such <br />notice, a public hearing on the proposal has been held by this Council on the date hereof, at which hearing <br />all persons desiring to present their oral or written comments on the proposal were given an opportunity <br />to do so. <br />Section 2. Establishment of Economic Develozs t Au ority. <br />2.01. Pursuant to the Act, the Council establishes an economic development authority for the <br />City to be known as the Economic Development Authority of the City of Centerville, Minnesota (the <br />"EDA"). <br />2.02. The EDA shall be governed by a board of commissioners consisting of five members, <br />two of whom shall be members of this Council, and the remaining three shall be residents of the City. <br />The initial appointments of the non -Council EDA commissioners shall be for the following terms: one for <br />three (3) years, one for four (4) years, and one for five (5) years. Thereafter, the terms of the non -Council <br />commissioners shall be six (6) years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The terms of <br />the Council members serving as EDA commissioners shall coincide with their respective terms of office <br />on this Council. Each commissioner of the EDA who is a member of this Council shall cease to be a <br />commissioner effective at such time as he or she is no longer a member of this Council, and a successor <br />commissioner shall be appointed pursuant to the Act to serve the remainder of the applicable term (if any) <br />so vacated. <br />3.01. The EDA shall have all powers given to an economic development authority pursuant to <br />the Act, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time, including the powers of a <br />
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