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2016-12-31 Management Letter
City Council
2016-12-31 Management Letter
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Future Accounting Standard Changes - Continued <br />GASB Statement No. 83 - Certain Asset Retirement Obligations <br />Summary <br />This Statement addresses accounting and financial reporting for certain asset retirement obligations (AROs). An ARO is a legally <br />enforceable liability associated with the retirement of a tangible capital asset. A government that has legal obligations to perform <br />future asset retirement activities related to its tangible capital assets should recognize a liability based on the guidance in this <br />Statement. <br />This Statement establishes criteria for determining the timing and pattern of recognition of a liability and a corresponding <br />deferred outflow of resources for AROs. This Statement requires that recognition occur when the liability is both incurred and <br />reasonably estimable. The determination of when the liability is incurred should be based on the occurrence of external laws, <br />regulations, contracts, or court judgments, together with the occurrence of an internal event that obligates a government to <br />perform asset retirement activities. Laws and regulations may require governments to take specific actions to retire certain <br />tangible capital assets at the end of the useful lives of those capital assets, such as decommissioning nuclear reactors and <br />dismantling and removing sewage treatment plants. Other obligations to retire tangible capital assets may arise from contracts or <br />court judgments. Internal obligating events include the occurrence of contamination, placing into operation a tangible capital asset <br />that is required to be retired, abandoning a tangible capital asset before it is placed into operation, or acquiring a tangible capital <br />asset that has an existing ARO. <br />This Statement requires the measurement of an ARO to be based on the best estimate of the current value of outlays expected to <br />be incurred. The best estimate should include probability weighting of all potential outcomes, when such information is available <br />or can be obtained at reasonable cost. If probability weighting is not feasible at reasonable cost, the most likely amount should be <br />used. This Statement requires that a deferred outflow of resources associated with an ARO be measured at the amount of the <br />corresponding liability upon initial measurement. <br />This Statement requires the current value of a government's AROs to be adjusted for the effects of general inflation or deflation at <br />least annually. In addition, it requires a government to evaluate all relevant factors at least annually to determine whether the <br />effects of one or more of the factors are expected to significantly change the estimated asset retirement outlays. A government <br />should remeasure an ARO only when the result of the evaluation indicates there is a significant change in the estimated outlays. <br />The deferred outflows of resources should be reduced and recognized as outflows of resources (for example, as an expense) in a <br />systematic and rational manner over the estimated useful life of the tangible capital asset. <br />A government may have a minority share (less than 50 percent) of ownership interest in a jointly owned tangible capital asset in <br />which a nongovernmental entity is the majority owner and reports its ARO in accordance with the guidance of another recognized <br />accounting standards setter. Additionally, a government may have a minority share of ownership interest in a jointly owned <br />tangible capital asset in which no joint owner has a majority ownership, and a nongovernmental joint owner that has operational <br />responsibility for the jointly owned tangible capital asset reports the associated ARO in accordance with the guidance of another <br />recognized accounting standards setter. In both situations, the government's minority share of an ARO should be reported using <br />the measurement produced by the nongovernmental majority owner or the nongovernmental minority owner that has operational <br />responsibility, without adjustment to conform to the liability measurement and recognition requirements of this Statement. <br />In some cases, governments are legally required to provide funding or other financial assurance for their performance of asset <br />retirement activities. This Statement requires disclosure of how those funding and assurance requirements are being met by a <br />government, as well as the amount of any assets restricted for payment of the government's AROs, if not separately displayed in <br />the financial statements. <br />This Statement also requires disclosure of information about the nature of a government's AROs, the methods and assumptions <br />used for the estimates of the liabilities, and the estimated remaining useful life of the associated tangible capital assets. If an ARO <br />(or portions thereof) has been incurred by a government but is not yet recognized because it is not reasonably estimable, the <br />government is required to disclose that fact and the reasons therefor. This Statement requires similar disclosures for a <br />government's minority shares of AROs. <br />Effective Date <br />The requirements of this Statement are effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2018. Earlier <br />application is encouraged. People <br />+ Process, <br />-22- <br />14 <br />f bcNol d'l'. <br />` 111ilhcrs <br />
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