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LG240B Application to Conduct. Excluded Bingo 6115 <br />Page 2of2 <br />LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application -to <br />the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) <br />CITY APPROVAL <br />COUNTY APPROVAL <br />for a gambling premises <br />for a gambling premises <br />located within city limits <br />located township <br />On behalf of the city, I approve tis application for excluded <br />n behalf of the county, I a pprove this application r excluded <br />bingo activity at tate premises located within the city's <br />bingo activity at the premises located within the county's <br />jurisdiction. <br />)uric i on. <br />Print City kaurnrmi <br />print County Name: <br />Signature of City Personnel: <br />Signature of County Personnel: <br />Title: Dates ......,,,..Title: <br />Date: <br />TOWNSMZP (if I ) <br />................ <br />On behalf of the township,acknowledge that the organization <br />��l The city o r county must sign befo're <br />is applying for excluded bingo activity within the township limits. <br />(A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an <br />submitting application to the <br />application, per Minnesota Statutes, Section 349.213.) <br />Gambling Control Board. <br />Print TownshipName: <br />Signature of Township r: <br />Titley Date: <br />CHIEF EXECU77VE OFFICER"S SIGNATURE (required) <br />The information provided int its application is complete and accurate a best of my knowledge. <br />Chief ExecutiveOfficer's Signature, <br />(sign u must be C s signature; d lgnee ay not sign) <br />Print arae: <br />MAIL OR FAX APPLICATION & ATTACHMENTS <br />Mail or fax application and a copy of your proof of nonprofit <br />status : <br />Bingo hard cards and bingo number selection devices may <br />Minnesota amblin Control Board <br />be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct <br />bingo. Otherwise, bingo hard cards, bingo paper, and bingo <br />1711 West County Road, Suite 300 South <br />Roseville, MN 5 113 <br />number selection devices must be obtained from a distributor <br />Fax: 651-639-4032 <br />licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. To find <br />a licensed distributor, go to www -Mn g0v19cib and click <br />An excluded bingo permit will be mailed to your organizatJon. <br />on Oistributars under the LEST OF LICENSEES, or call <br />Your organization must keep ft bingo records for 3-1/2 years. <br />651-539-1900. <br />N a Licensing Speciale at 651-539-1900. <br />This form will be made available in alternative format <br />(i.e. large print, braille) upon request. <br />vara privacy notice: The information requested <br />on this form (and any attachments) will be used <br />by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to deter- <br />mine your organization's qualifications to be in- <br />volved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. <br />Your organization has the right to refuse to sup- <br />ply the information; however, if your organiza- <br />tion refuses to suppiy this information, the Board <br />may not be aide to determine your organiza- <br />tion's qualifications and, as a consequence, may <br />refuse to issue a permit. If your organization <br />supplies the information requested, the Board <br />will be able to process the application. Your <br />organizations name and address will be public <br />information when received by the Hoard. All <br />other information provided will be private data <br />about your organization until the Board issues <br />the permit. when the Board Issues the permit, <br />all information provided will become public. If <br />the Board does not Issue a permit, all infor- <br />mation provided remains private, with the ex- <br />ception of your organization's name and address <br />which will remain public. Private data about <br />your organization are available to Board <br />An equal opportunity employer <br />38 <br />members, Board staff whose work requires <br />access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- <br />ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Com- <br />missioners of Administration, Minnesota Manage- <br />ment & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Audi- <br />tor, national and International gambling regula- <br />tory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; <br />other individuals and agencies spec9fcally <br />authorized by state or federal law to have access <br />to the information; individuals and agencies for <br />which law or legal order authorizes a new use or <br />sharing of Information after this notice was <br />given; and anyone with your written consent. <br />