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4. SCHEDULE. The Interim Administrator's normal work schedule will not be less <br />than 20 hours per week, nor more than 30 hours per week, unless otherwise directed by <br />the Mayor. Such time shall include an allocation of four hours for City Council meetings <br />during weeks that they occur. Travel to and from work will not be counted as time <br />worked, however, travel within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area in connection with job <br />duties shall be billed as time worked. Paid hours beyond 40 hours per week shall be <br />approved in advance by the Mayor and City Council. The Interim Administrator will <br />schedule Himself to be at work in Centerville at times necessary to fulfill the job <br />responsibilities at his discretion, in consultation with the Mayor and City Council. <br />5. COMPENSATION/BENEFITS. In consideration of his performance of the <br />duties required of him by this Employment Agreement, the Interim Administrator will be <br />compensated at the wage rate of $58 per hour of service. The Interim Administrator's <br />compensation shall be subject to federal and state income tax withholding deductions, <br />FICA and Medicare deduction. The position of Interim City Administrator is an <br />executive, exempt position under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and shall not be <br />eligible for cash overtime or compensatory time in lieu of overtime. <br />In recognition of the fact that the Interim Administrator's employment is <br />temporary, the Interim Administrator shall receive fringe benefits from the City of <br />Centerville in a different manner than regular employees. Specifically, Interim <br />administrator shall receive the following: <br />A health insurance benefit shall be paid in the form of a contribution of $12 <br />per hour to a health savings account (subject to contribution limitations of IRS <br />rules and other law [$4350/year] ) In the event that maximum contribution <br />limit is reached, the health insurance benefit of $12 per hour shall be added to <br />hourly wage. <br />The Interim Administrator shall not be eligible for other group insurance benefits, paid <br />holidays, vacation, sick leave, severance, or City retirement benefits that may be <br />available to regular employees. <br />6. EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL/TERMINATION. City and the Interim <br />Administrator acknowledge and agree that the position of Interim City Administrator is <br />an employee -at -will position of a temporary nature. Neither the Interim Administrator <br />nor City is bound to continue the employment relationship if either chooses, at its will, to <br />end the relationship at any time, with or without cause. Neither party shall be entitled to <br />any type of hearing to appeal or challenge the determination of the other party to <br />terminate the employment relationship. <br />City shall be required to give the Interim Administrator not less than thirty (30) <br />days advance notice of termination of employment. The Interim Administrator shall <br />provide to City thirty (30) days advance written notice of his intent to voluntarily <br />terminate his employment with City, unless City agrees to a lesser amount of notice time. <br />CN <br />