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Compliance 1111eport <br />Jurisdiction, Centerville Report Year 2017 <br />1880 Main Street Case: I - 2016 Data (Shared (Jur and MMB)) <br />Centerville MN 55038 <br />Contact: Dallas Larson Phone: (651) 429-3232 E -Mail: diarson@centerv' <br />The statistical analysis, salary range and exoeptional service pay test results are shown below. Part I is general information <br />from your pay equity report data. Parts 11, 111 and IV give you the test results. <br />For more detail on each test, refer to the Guide to Pay Equity Compliance and Computer Reports. <br />I. GENERAL JOB CLASS INFORMATION <br /># Job Classes <br /># Employees <br />A. Underpayment Ratio = 0.00 * <br />Male Female Balanced All Job <br />Classes Classes Classes Classes <br />3 2 0 5 <br />5 2 0 7 <br />6,391.67 5,402.52 6,109,06 <br />.................................................................................. 11 ................................................................................................ I ................................................................ -1 .......................................................... <br />:.)egireers of Freeftn (DF)::::::: �5 VWiue ol:'rn� onoo <br />..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................. .............................. <br />a. Avg. diff. in pay from predicted pay for male jobs = $0 <br />b. Avg, diff. in pay from predicted pay for female jobs = $0 <br />Ill. SALARY RANGE TEST a 100.00 (Result is A divided by B) <br />A. Avg. # of years to max salary for male jobs = 9.00 <br />B. Avg. # of years tom salary for female jobs = 9.00 <br />IV. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE PAY TEST = 0.00 (Result is B divided by A) <br />A. % of male classes receiving ESP 0.00 <br />of female classes receiving ESP 0.00 <br />*(If 20% or less, test result will be 0.00) <br />Male <br />Female <br />Classes <br />Classes <br />a. 9 At ora Predicted Pay <br />3 <br />2 <br />b. # Below Predicted Pay <br />0 <br />0 <br />c. TOTAL <br />3 <br />2 <br />d. % Below Predicted Pay <br />0.00 <br />0.00 <br />(b divided by c = d) <br />*(Result is % of male classes below predicted <br />pay divided by % of female classes below predicted pay.) <br />B. T-test Results <br />.................................................................................. 11 ................................................................................................ I ................................................................ -1 .......................................................... <br />:.)egireers of Freeftn (DF)::::::: �5 VWiue ol:'rn� onoo <br />..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................. .............................. <br />a. Avg. diff. in pay from predicted pay for male jobs = $0 <br />b. Avg, diff. in pay from predicted pay for female jobs = $0 <br />Ill. SALARY RANGE TEST a 100.00 (Result is A divided by B) <br />A. Avg. # of years to max salary for male jobs = 9.00 <br />B. Avg. # of years tom salary for female jobs = 9.00 <br />IV. EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE PAY TEST = 0.00 (Result is B divided by A) <br />A. % of male classes receiving ESP 0.00 <br />of female classes receiving ESP 0.00 <br />*(If 20% or less, test result will be 0.00) <br />