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(3 StIII ntec <br /> September 28,2017 <br /> Dallas Larson <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br /> Rie .lir ence.,, PSII i1vIlk-kir Estates <br /> a. The following comments address only the information which has been submitted. <br /> b. Incorporate City Detail plates into the plans. <br /> c® Coordinate with private utilities on any necessary relocations. <br /> d. A drainage and utility easement mill be required over all of to-[25 (common space <br /> surrounding lots). <br /> e. Review the direction of north arrows on sheets. Some appear to be Incorrect. <br /> L Retaining walls exceeding 4 feet in height vAll require an engineering.fignature. <br /> 3. Sewer and Water <br /> ® The City will own the sewer and water utilities whether this is a private or City-owned <br /> street. Sewer and Water Access Charges (SAC/WAC) will apply per city code. <br /> b. Maintain the 7.5' minimum cover for the water main. <br /> c. The water line shall be 8" in its entirety to provide-for a fully looped line. <br /> d On sheet C2.2, show the updated water line layout heading east from the eyisfing <br /> hydrant and north along CSAFi 21, <br /> e Specify the thickness or insulation over the sanitary sewer,through the wetland and <br /> extend it-further on either side. <br /> f. Pipe material to be used for the water main shall be PVC-C900,Wth epoxy coated <br /> -fittings avid cor-blue T-bolts. <br /> 4. Wetlands <br /> a. The Rice Creek Watershed District is the Local Governing Unit (L ) for the Wetiond <br /> Conservation Act (WCA). A submittal for review by the WCA Techrfical Evaluation <br /> Panel (TEP),showing the area of wetlands being impacted by development Will be <br /> required. The LGU,in consultaflon With-the WCA TEP will rule on at impacts May Or <br /> may not be allowed. This may affect the layout of-the development and/or the <br /> number of lots which can be reasonably developed. <br /> ,5,, Load! alk <br /> o. Provide details for the Ibiituminous trail and board alk„ <br /> b® Curb shall be surmountable curb per the City®s details. <br /> c, Curb airii1d gulter arm,pindthe 1parlding areas shcill Ibe re.q <br /> ENMIgn with c.,cnwm,gft Irt rirdirid <br /> WbIG R ew otffi, pieUrn 1pkffW P727 u7.dOcx <br /> 319 <br />