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rundin6 ".1. to R I <br /> gaud Recommendation 16,11,"Rezux"JIM9 frOm R <br /> i0c <br /> ja Planning melL ,,Dn, Jober 2:�, '2101.7,, to immsiAeran aXlicatilf�-)rk <br /> for raonv�g certain prope-Wi fi-om.R11 to R-2. <br /> Findings: <br /> 1. The Cic received an aPplication ftlrn -the owner of certain pr(Verty requesting a <br /> rezoning frDm R-1 to R-2, m conjunction with a subdivision and Plan—nod Unit <br /> Development application. <br /> 2. The 2030C,r,.)m. prep engigs Plan provided guidance-for future land uses in several parts <br /> of the city. <br /> 3. The 'Planning and Zoning Commission bas detemiined that the proposed rezoning is <br /> in conformance with the future land -use guide as indicated by the 2030 <br /> Comprehensive Plan. The re7oned land will be used :for law density,, Smiglc-falnilY <br /> hoines facilitating controlled population growth towwds the, City's goal of 5,000 <br /> res sµ Wisrezomm`ng will allo-wed conshuction of the proposed development ina <br /> manner that -will prote.ct existing wetland amcnities while avoiding environmental <br /> constraints. <br /> 4. The owners of propaties affected by-the proposed changes were nofified by mul, and <br /> published notice of the City's intention to amend the officialZoning Map was given <br /> a,s required by law. <br /> 5. A public hearing was held on October 3,2017, at 6:30 and all persons desiring to <br /> ofler comments and testimony-were heard and written corranents were considaml and <br /> ,plaoW in the record. <br /> R,.lIP,C,iDlin 4MF,IqD.A'T',1110'IN: <br /> ` .PI=.iirfing Garmnission 'lias dew-xininexi f0jjc,:rNjjjn pr p y ,,iihould <br /> rfmained from R I i(Ritral ResiiiJendftl) to R 2 (LD,ijw 11Dcm6ty Residential) and-that th e, <br /> shoildd beamendif, . <br /> St.=Altachcd A" <br /> The Commission reconunends that the council approve its findings and recommendation <br /> and ftather that the Council adopt an ordinance arnending the Official Zoning Map <br /> accordingly. <br /> Mation madeand duly pmse A fn Y the Planning&Zoning Comrnissi(m of the City of <br /> Centerville on,October 3, 2017. <br /> DdUasI,,An,wn, <br />