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City of Centerville <br /> Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 11,2017 <br /> sources in the near future (battery, improvements in wind or alternative solar gardens) and <br /> concerns that the residents are paying taxes that are applied to funding alternative energy sources <br /> and ultimately the City is receiving those funds through cost savings of offerings similar to <br /> Geronimo. <br /> 2. Light Pole Banner Quotes—Northern Lights <br /> Interim Administrator Larson discussed that this item was discussed several months prior and he <br /> was unsure of its status. Mayor Paar stated that former Administrator Ericson brought forward to <br /> Council several proposals but no action was taken. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the number and cost of banners desired, the type, the longevity of <br /> the banners, lacking equipment to install or replace, marketing provided by and added home- <br /> town feel. Entrance monument signage and its cost in 2007 of $20,000/per sign excluding <br /> additional fill was also discussed. Council concurred that the items would be discussed in the <br /> future. <br /> IX. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. Planning & Zoning Recommendation— Preliminary Plat, Rezone & PUD, Diamond <br /> View Partners,LLC/Sharper Communities,LLC (7357—201h Avenue North) <br /> Interim Administrator Larson stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to <br /> Council approval of all requests by Sharper Communities, LLC; however, several changes were <br /> requested and have not been made, responses have not been received by RCWD which is <br /> anticipated on October 25, 2017 and Council does have the ability to request an additional 60 <br /> review period. <br /> City Attorney Glaser stated that it appears that Mr. Christenson, Diamond View Partners, LLC is <br /> no longer involved and Sharper Communities, LLC is the current owner of the property. He <br /> stated that Sharper Communities is owned and operated by a brother (Jesse Roessler) and sister <br /> (Kari Clark) team. He also stated that Ms. Clark is very knowledgeable in land development. <br /> Attorney Glaser stated that if Council desired they could approve items subject to a viable <br /> development agreement or request a 60 day extension to obtain all requested information and <br /> complete the review process. <br /> Engineer Statz stated that at the Planning & Zoning Commission discussions involved set back <br /> from the County Road,parking spaces,pond ownership and access, sewer line concerns, etc. that <br /> have not been addressed by a new plat. He also stated that Mr. Roessler was present at the <br /> meeting and is committed to the project; however they did not seem as pressed to break ground <br /> this year as Mr. Christenson was. <br /> Council Member Koski reported that several concerns were brought to Mr. Roessler's attention <br /> at the meeting and following the meeting that have not been addressed for this evening. <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> 14 <br />