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f) No fuels or chemicals shall be stored on the site,unless contained in a building. <br /> g) Maximum noise emitted at the property line shall conform to the noise regulations <br /> contained in City Code Section 91.09 and applicant shall not violate other <br /> nuisance regulations contained in Chapter 91. <br /> h) The maximum height of all piles shall be limited to 50 feet above the natural <br /> grade of the site. Materials allowed to be brought to the site shall only be granular <br /> compactable material and black dirt.No broken concrete or asphalt material is <br /> permitted. <br /> i) Ingress and egress shall be limited to 2l t Avenue.Hauling on Commerce Drive <br /> and Fairview Avenue in conjunction with this permit,is not allowed. <br /> j) Permittee shall supply a monthly accounting of all material hauled in to the site <br /> and hauled off the site. This accounting of material hauled from the site shall be <br /> in the form of a log of loads hauled out each day and documenting the quantity of <br /> material in each load together with copies of truck load tickets and/or bills of sale. <br /> k) Recognizing the impact on adjoining streets and in recognition of administrative <br /> and other costs of monitoring this permit the following fees shall be paid by the <br /> operator: <br /> 1. For loads of black dirt material hauled from the site,$0.25 per cubic yard, <br /> to be paid monthly. <br /> 2. For loads of compactible granular material hauled from the site, $0.10 per <br /> cubic yard,to be paid monthly. <br /> 1) Landowner and the business operator shall jointly and individually be responsible <br /> for the continuing conformance with the permit and that if the proposed use is not <br /> initiated within six months of this date,the permit shall be void. <br /> m) Grantee will follow the applicable standards and requirements of the City of <br /> Centerville, Rice Creek Watershed District, Anoka County, Army Corp of <br /> Engineers,FEMA, Minnesota DNR and any other agency having jurisdiction over <br /> the property and shall secure and file with the City, copies of any permits required <br /> by outside agencies. Requirements shall include the filing a Stormwater Pollution <br /> Prevention Plan. <br /> n) Grantee will secure necessary permits and follow the applicable rules and <br /> regulations of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and EPA for collection, <br /> storage and disposal of solids, liquids and gases. Grantee will file with the City <br /> within ten days of receipt, copies of any permits and/or notice of enforcement <br /> actions by these agencies. <br /> o) Grantee will permit a city inspector to view the premises, including the inside of <br /> buildings,during normal business hours. <br /> p) Minnesota DNR has commented that, for the use to be located in the Floodway, a <br /> "No Rise Certificate would be required. Applicant will provide a "No Rise <br /> Certificate" or move dirt stockpiles out of the FIoodway not later than July 1, <br /> 2014. This permit does not allow placing any new material in the floodway,prior <br /> to the city receiving a"No Rise Certificate." <br /> j) The City reserves the right to annually review this permit for compliance with the <br /> conditions and may impose additional conditions to mitigate unforeseen <br /> problems. <br /> 2 <br />