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Do Wargo Nature Center's winter <br /> hours of operation (see below) match up <br /> well with the times you or members of <br /> your household would want to visit the <br /> center? Winter Hours: Tuesday-Friday <br /> (8:00am-4:30pm); Closed Saturday-Monday <br /> Yes <br /> No-Please <br /> list how the... <br /> 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% <br /> Answer Choices Responses <br /> Yes 51.85% 14 <br /> No-Please list how the hours could be adjusted to best meet your needs. 48.15% 13 <br /> Total 27 <br /> # No-Please list how the hours could be adjusted to best meet your needs. Date <br /> 1 one weekend day might be nice 4/28/2014 12:44 PM <br /> 2 it would be nice to have a way to rent snowshoes after 4:30 4/27/2014 10:57 AM <br /> 3 1 will always be working during these hours.Adjusting for weekend time would help the most. 4/22/2014 1:21 PM <br /> - I can only visit on weekends,so having the center open on weekends is ideal for me. 4/2012014 8:20 PM <br /> 5 Same as previous,also with no weekend hours there is no opportunity for a working family to visit. 4/17/2014 3:29 PM <br /> 6 Please offer open hours on at least one weekend day! 4/11/2014 9:10 AM <br /> 7 please expand hrs to the other days of the wek and weekend,too 4/812014 3:19 PM <br /> 8 Saturday and/or Sunday hours 3/28/2014 2:52 PM <br /> 9 Saturday,Sunday 3127/2014 12:39 PM <br /> 10 Open Saturday 3/24/2014 9:18 AM <br /> 11 keep it open every day. 3/14/2014 10:40 AM <br /> 12 Would like to open on the weekends,possibly stay open a little later on the weekdays(1 or 2 of the 3/1412014 9:47 AM <br /> days) <br /> 13 would be neat to have one or two eves perweekopen for movie or'study'night or enlightenment 3/1012014 10:45 AM <br /> night or a theme of some kind <br /> Wargo Nature tenter Master Plan - March 2015 <br />