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A list of important human needs:as seen from the visitor S" .1 he-Visbr'�&11 of Riot is was,uted <br /> 14 hOP as-expsting...--�onditi,ons'and idestif Wa rgo N at ure Center, as.wel I as--p riodtize fbtu re- <br /> 0. COMFOR PIT <br /> Visitors need-fast, easy oby.1 ous deAll, safe, barr';er-free restruorr*,Jou Mains, f0pid <br /> 64`chang ihq ta 161%, an4 0 soiting. They p 1s0`qpeflu 11 access t6.t9hibits. <br /> -42. 0 Rl E NT-AY1 ON. "MAKE IT EASY FOR ME 10-FIN'D MV WAY AROUND. <br /> Vit'itqts n-n 6d I'a'Make-sense of.: siA rr oundiqs. Clear signs and we]kplanned spaces help them <br /> kffow-what to e�pect,-wh ere to qoT-how-to get there and what it's about. <br /> #3,, WELCOME/BELON GI NiG.AWNE-HE FEEL WELCOPI.E. <br /> F�edly, 'helpful Waif 64.-w:visitpf s. aojiptt se if .iske thons�lves tcpresOW 1h e.Xhibits-and <br /> prnrarns and on.the staff, th ey'i I-feel like-1hey beiobg. <br /> 4K,.ENJQYMENT "[WART TO 1HAYFf"11.1. <br /> Vlsltq(�vpt to hay.e A.gOd 06*. 11 th.ey'r6n intd:bar r*rs--(Jikt-b'roken exhi bk5i.activities lh�.y-.can't <br /> relate to'Jiflti mi"d atIng labels) they can..;g' ek KiStrat eid, bb r6�- c n i <br /> 0. 500ALIZING"I SAME TO SMD TIME WffH.MY FAMILY AND FRRIES." <br /> MsKbrs c&e.for-a S''O"Cid]-outin'-g'.Voth NMI[y dr f rioh& (fir to ounnect VA:soc at. large) They <br /> nteict, 4'n- d �h� <br /> Pect to 4; 11 re-f h� oxped'!an cc-,.kh1b.4.5 set the stege for, h is- <br /> #6, RESPECT-11ACCEPt ME PK WHO I AN A1164HAT I KNOW" <br /> fo be.W. -Opmd-at 1h e ir owhieve I.of knowledge and n Interest They don't,Want exh&st <br /> fel im .d . <br /> Pb <br /> #7.. Co M M U N ItATIOT�"'AiLP kE;UN6EiST'AN' O, AND LEt ME TALK, TOO" <br /> ViMors need-a'cwracy.' hon; and clear communication from- labels. programs; and docents. <br /> `6d b���Od <br /> T�ty omit t;�*qtjesj!qn's.,.A view. <br /> #8. -LEA04-i ING' .41 WAWT To LEARN'$0n0h#1G:'lft-n <br /> I i1111111'to. (aind theirkids) come to learn.som.thi ng new,but they-learn in dKerent-Way's.ft's i�i purta nt <br /> '' '"'[ " t lea ' end at their CoRt r,011 I ng di straOons 66W h d-W Yl�Walike <br /> crowds, not:'e-a6d iWrna'V6'n a'ye"Oa�d) N 405`w � to% <br /> #9', C.MC. -A Nb:t6 NIT- RiO L "LE ThME CN:':O' DSE-iGIVE-HE SOME MKTM. <br /> VIM- e We .000M.Y.: frft-dom 13 cftase; andvxert some--canlrc4, touthing and 9eft-Ing <br /> ors.n )H:s --aut <br /> tw .... . . .­-� . <br /> .66�e`ib.WS a"16:6 on.7hey:0 10;Ob'. i6s.46d M- <br /> #1 p.--.CHALLENGA-'&t0'N F I PENC t AdIVE M9 AtHALLEW I 01160 1 WMAOW E.-I), <br /> Visitors wantto s4ccecd"A ta5kthafs too-easy bares.them;too hard makes therh-anxtous-ProvidingE*oe:d&-.ce.s.Y4.11 match-IhOf'Mde rwiV-of <br /> #11. :RE-V1TAL1ZATI0R..4%dP 110.L010 WIRS10, 813'101112' <br /> When vMors.;-ar.e.1acused,fully..-engaged, and.enjoying ftiein'sefves tim' 615'tandi they 4el <br /> ref <br /> -16 V 'Bill of Pighti,�VWto Studies-Ass' - (idn <br /> 99Jody-Rand,'The-227-Mile Museum,or, Why ft Need.. Mims' WIG <br />