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KEY:C�See Full Site Phasing Plan Cf See Wargo Campus Phasing Plan <br /> The Wargo Nature Center master plan has been developed A Signage&wayfinding <br /> to support phased implementation. Improvements are <br /> organized into near term(0-5 years),mid-term(5-12 years), B Entry drive improvements:bike&pedestrian <br /> and long term(12+years)phases.Phasing allows forareas of lane and parking areas <br /> the overall project to be completed in independent stages. <br /> It is anticipated that near-term projects will be built first, Entry node and walkway Z <br /> but the Master Plan remains flexible so that projects can <br /> be implemented as partnership or funding opportunities 'WildThings'ADA interpretive loop Q m <br /> arise. E ADA trail/dock to water station <br /> Priorities were developed based on input from the core <br /> project team, and reflect the needs and knowledge F Nature play area entrance and improvements <br /> of staff, visitors, and other stakeholders that provided G Heritage Lab classroom structures ('D m <br /> input throughout the process. The first phase focuses CJ <br /> on more easily implementable improvements, as well as H Interior space reconfiguration N <br /> improvements that address issues such as visitor safety, <br /> ADA accessibility,place-making,and erosion.Long-term,or f Rental storage improvements <br /> third phase improvements, include items that will require <br /> larger capital investments and may take more time to J Woodland garden restoration <br /> secure partnerships and funding for implementation. <br /> K Parking lot improvements <br /> I. Service area and drive <br /> V Indoor interpretation/displays <br /> M Upland trail loop <br /> N Heritage Lab area parkingk <br /> o West entry gathering area and landscape <br /> improvements <br /> P Amphitheatre screen planting # <br /> Q Bird thicket plantings <br /> R Treehouse classroom <br /> s Open field <br /> T Heritage Lab weather shelter <br /> r <br /> U Secondary water access site&bird ing platform N 0 <br /> V Connection to the Lino Lakes YMCA + Z <br /> ,-,-< l) <br /> W Boardwalk connection to the prairie (p <br /> X Prairie building % M <br /> LA � <br />