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CURRENT PARTNERSHIPS F <br /> Wargo Naluf e--Center:currently-haj :several suc ce ssrui ppirtnershi ps.:w1th the <br /> UhNter,.Oty or M innesota,.Connexus Energy, the YMCA. Anoka County LA bra fies <br /> Far-est Lake Family Cmbe,.-8nd Oneka-arid U nwood Ele menta ry S rho ol Forests: <br /> Tv�o Nr porWt phhek h I 0�ars hii�hl[9h60 Wok <br /> University of Minnesota Fartnect4ip <br /> The-U ni versity.'Of M i n ne5ota School of Design -A rr.h itectu Fe Grogram, wl I be <br /> 0!.tfteri n'g with t hO Arieka ("nty­Ra*r anti Recreation,Department in the <br /> designand irkstal la'tion.6f!va r i ety'of'siructu rE!-s afidenhak.em.e nts aT IhL-Wa kgo <br /> Nature Center.Thea -a're.1 sevOial k0t,ing,6116 a.,flv&s 4idlihe:d In i116 i.1 ew NbUi re <br /> Centef Master Mari tha t4re well 5 Li imd to this endqA,or. <br /> in a <br /> 5Crtinq In Me sp�lng of �Q 1.6. qlr6dua,t6 Wv'el -.suidiints wlll .bi� enqaV!�:d <br /> re, e; ritbr.This <br /> desjgWbul.ld prqqr,�M W-Psthg qn al life" pr6je M- M thO NA,t r -Ce <br /> wOl- e .Ulowed with-hands-on pioduolqn during the,summer months:.It.i5 Wo`s ffildfire autrw pwo;j fst"pporled by: <br /> anticipated zhat.t-he pf ogram coui d Ja�,Oor 5evi.-ralyea r s. .&rrnvw.fnfrw <br /> The n6vy e6ij�borati6fi wi I I alsp- include f Ns-d6vO lopm­ehl 6f �tOtEgi�-for <br /> se;c7uriog matching fundi <br /> �tn jo_advance the p ()J%tfro�.n a ILM"ni ar.d en.O.U5.0 <br /> of the:Univemity of M i n nesota..Arr hjtE!CtU re Orogram. .7 he Cpunty;*11 abb b� <br /> 10kinq W-an t5 W be comb]n 6d With the�d ith Wargo Fund to u nderwnte-the.- <br /> Ost of <br /> Can a ezus-Ene rgy Partnership <br /> Con r�Rus Energybas-been an outstanding s uppa rt erg a nlWjon for.-the.Anoka <br /> Q u ntq-'Faft'aad 116t-rleat jbn 060m6em forgiver 20 yeays,Xonnaxus Energy,--a P <br /> Mal MIS to,M,e utflq��-hzi�..OioVided fi6�60al wppqrt of w6r. 5500,000 <br /> - e, <br /> .f6.r two jow.a: in ing prdgra ffi.�j-. <br /> Thanks­W C66QOxq.Vs riefbuS C tstl iuirwg 6nandal 5qpporr, over 600,066 <br /> .s.t6tl6ki6'Ano`ka'.6 nt <br /> an, i4rita­je Labprqq rorns.-The Wild H F4'06iri' h­p­r"Eam Is pr6V1idvd'fh,-e1p- <br /> I'Xil O- Qols a!id.ptpvj 6Rs -O- n141 n nespta--4on­i mii"a is an 10d rma I <br /> -an d,ftin rn anner.-The ikildlife Obt�eKh FrPOM I s�qn.d.u�-ted 6..Fy:.s6ft ni-�tq.rAsls wedrov-tab dqdMP' aff <br /> -at'va f!aius,4s;-_hc6o1-sities in the -norih-ern metro area. School-group0.5e a <br /> qTrNwomf <br /> 16pic feorh a'.I[st 0 aight-pv�sibW MN augment the]r cu eric ulu w.The <br /> Pre.s.eq_ b pns.'are ab-60 45 inUt6 ,t <br /> ft. �jqofous ch the zinimaYs habicaL <br /> -A8ap6Io'n5.:on <br /> 'ds Sues, �dn.os -."UhM <br /> b.ri q!th�e 4pnhiia Is to 0 si46nt a, <br /> :P <br /> -P-0" u�-dll�E� mwmation. <br /> brechure,t4at�cqve�rs key Tn <br /> Nr*4:66t0o N6'Wiaje Lipb'tra�v!l t.he-dygha,day.]M9 Il V414 hWo'rj piogrash. <br /> Is-..a f u lfdo�, <br /> f NiN tr tagpi <br /> 4 f6056s h di time peri 0 - <br /> out-door <br /> day-aiidpartidpate,i n hands-ton.activiticesthat I vp�y:qri historical ipwic.d-sq�- <br /> aS, the Wyage'ktr Era,-M in neseta 60 1 iing,Ml ning,&Lumbering,Naelve.Arnerk'a n S� <br /> .;and Ahe GVf1 Wae 4g, StUCI PntS-stilly.-6gAje J F1 the U.Me peiftd:a s.xhie-area I <br /> tra r iS f 9.r-6 i d,j F)t 0 a- E'.6 M".ei "p"e"'floid 3hd g4ff;iri O'Ob_ev� We'dh the.WSO fta: <br /> f hd. M..d' A. lOr'amv.ana. j�. W4IJ6t3flffein'a giyeRli=ne 00d. <br /> 'Witho'dt- th,O"t 6heln d oUt. finaridiil assiswilce "of Connexus- 6er-gy, these. <br /> . <br /> pip Ora-Ms.,,YiO.0.Id rcpt h.iaplp�n.: <br />