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Compare to 3 Rivers daytime hours are the norm,although some Three Rivers facilities have <br /> bathrooms/vestibules open when the nature center is closed, and gates are left open until 10pm. <br /> AUDIENCE: <br /> 45 schools come out to Wargo every year, and staff visit 50 schools/year,going into Sherburne and <br /> Isanti Counties. Bulk of students at Wargo are k-5, but camp attendance is k-7. Adult visitors come <br /> mostly for birding. It's hard to get high school students to come in,although some alternative schools <br /> do send kids. Older kids&alternative high schools are more involved in outdoor recreation activities <br /> They are getting a few more requests for accommodating specials needs kids. The nature play area <br /> (built by eagle scouts)gets used by local moms clubs, but is not a draw for the general public,especially <br /> when compared with Tamarack. <br /> VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: <br /> Currently not too many volunteers, but Wargo is trying to tap into the volunteer resource from Parks& <br /> Recreation. Do have MN Conservation Corp volunteers for 10 months in the park system. Need to <br /> update&expand.Volunteers are not currently used for programming.Volunteers do some <br /> maintenance, as there is no on-site maintenance person. Both volunteers present report helping out <br /> with whatever is assigned to them. Mostly desk duty,envelope stuffing, bird programs, maple sugaring, <br /> etc. <br /> WHAT OTHER NATURE CENTERS DO PEOPLE VISIT&WHY? <br /> Eastman-likes the new nature center building(2 years old)with a great indoor/outdoor relationship. <br /> Dodge Nature Center has great events and festivals <br /> Tamarack for its great outdoor nature play area <br /> Richardson NC has new sculptures and 3D interpretive displays. <br /> Green Bay nature center has a great interactive display-beaver lodge slide for staircase <br /> Walk-ins versus Pre-registration programs. Pre-registration programs are generally experiencing <br /> declining interest, especially with families.Warner NC recently cancelled a Saturday pre-registered <br /> event for lack of interest. <br /> MARKETING&OUTREACH AWARENES: <br /> Email list serve,twitter, newspaper,a printed Activities Guide gets sent home with every kid and is also <br /> available online,does not get sent out to every resident in the county, but is sent to those on the <br /> mailing list. Find the links <br /> Three Rivers Program Outreach:website, repeat visitors,events calendar mailing,word of mouth (in <br /> order of effectiveness from high to low).Warner NC would like to do more targeting marketing-who <br /> does what? <br /> Cross marketing of Chamonoix, Bunker hill, &Wargo <br /> TRENDS: <br /> Alex sees a renaissance in Conservation sports;fishing, archery. Has had over 5,000 participants in <br /> archery last season and would like to have an indoor/outdoor archery range. (Wargo used to have an <br /> Wargo Nature Center Master Plan—March 27, 2014 Focus Group Meetings Summary 2 <br />