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Late, 2017
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CENTERVILLE BULLETIN [ , / PAGE 2 <br /> PUBLIC WORKS �'v DON'T FLUSH YOUR <br /> D E PART M E N T DISPOSABLE WIPES <br /> GEARING UP FOR SNOW Disposable wipes—used <br /> for changing diapers, per- <br /> The City of Centerville maintains more than 26 miles of local sonal hygiene, house- <br /> streets and 36 cul de sacs and over 4 miles of trails. It takes the cleaning, and more— <br /> city crew about 8 hours to cover all the roads in the City during an cause major problems when flushed down toilets. Because <br /> average snow event. City policy is to plow all 3 inch snow events. they don't break down the way toilet paper does, these wipes <br /> clog homeowner and municipal sewer pipes, put stress on <br /> Starting times will vary depending on storm size, expected community wastewater collection and treatment equipment, <br /> amounts and time the storm is expected to pass. Our first priority and cause cities to spend thousands on premature equipment <br /> is to clear the streets then cul de sacs and then trails and parking repair and replacement. Wipes snag on any imperfection in <br /> lots. sewer pipes, catch passing debris and grease, and create a <br /> During extreme winters, crews are required to "wing back" snow `ball"that will grow to plug the pipe. They also get drawn into <br /> banks to create additional room for snow storage. When crews sewer-line and wastewater treatment plant pumps and clog <br /> perform this work, they use their side wing plows to push the and damage them. Municipalities must manually clear out <br /> snowbanks further into the boulevards. They adjust the plows to pumps or remove clogs. <br /> ride about 6"over the top of the curb and grass. This is one of the Although many brands of disposable wipes are labeled <br /> reasons that we have an ordinance prohibiting landscaping and "flushable," don't flush them! The clogs and backups they <br /> sprinkler systems from being installed in the public right of way. cause may result in expensive plumbing bills for your home, or <br /> The public right of way typically includes about 10 to 15 feet of increased wastewater fees from your city. <br /> grass area behind the curb. If snow banks are not"winged back", <br /> they get too high and the snow coming off the plow ends up back The MPCA regulates many aspects of wastewater collection <br /> on the roadway. and treatment in Minnesota. Dealing with wipes-related prob- <br /> lems has absorbed more and more city resources as wipes use <br /> Here are some helpful reminder s to our residents: increases, and clogs and equipment problems proliferate. The <br /> 1. There are parking restrictions, no parking on City streets be- resources wastewater facilities expend on wipes could be <br /> tween 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Centennial Lakes Police may better spent on systems to improve water quality. Put your <br /> ticket cars parked on the streets during those hours. wipes in the trash—it matters more than you realize! <br /> 2. It is against City ordinance to place snow into the City's right <br /> of way or push snow across streets. This is also a state The above article is from the MPCA <br /> law and a ticketable offense. <br /> 3. Garbage cans and recycling containers are to be placed at the "FLUSHIABLE WIPES" have cost your city six (6) service calls at <br /> end of your driveway. (NOT IN THE STREET). $250-$350/ea, removal of damaged pump at$500, purchase of <br /> 4. Plow drivers are not allowed to plow private driveways. a new pump at$3,600+over the last six(6)months. <br /> 5. Please remove all basketball and hockey nets out of the <br /> street and back into your yard prior to the plow season. Please, please do not flush these non-biodegradable items. <br /> 6. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to keep clear the <br /> Please remember that if costs continue to rise, the city will <br /> sidewalk in front or alongside your residence. <br /> 7. Mailboxes. If a mailbox is actually struck by a plow,the city have no alternative but to increase your sewer rates to cover <br /> crew will make a temporary repair for the winter and then the increases in maintenance to the city's infrastructure. <br /> repair or replace in the spring. More commonly, mailbox <br /> damage occurs from the force of the snow moving off the The below photo is a display in city hall of these items. <br /> end of the plow,or shifting snow banks. When this happens <br /> the damage is not repaired by the City. NOTE: It is important I' <br /> for homeowners to shovel around their mailbox. When mail- <br /> boxes get encased in the snowbanks they often break off as <br /> plows move past and the snow bank shifts. <br /> 8. On occasion,lawn damage may occur within the road right of "1 <br /> { <br /> way. If you contact the City in the spring,we will repair the I: <br /> area with black dirt and seed. This on occasion happens and "> �t <br /> is not intentional. <br /> t <br /> The Centerville Public Works Department wishes you an enjoyable q ' <br /> winter and appreciates your help keeping your streets open and <br /> passable. <br /> 4 <br />
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