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<br />ABoo <br />EICK& <br />MEYERS <br />~,~'~.,~ <br />,~~ <br />$)~~ <br />~ ;j1l) <br />~MN 5M36 <br /> <br /> <br />December 1.2004 <br /> <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />City ofCenterville <br />Centerv:ille, Minnesota <br /> <br />Dear HoD.Orable Mayor and City Council:' <br /> <br />~~~~m~~~m~~~~m~~~Citym~e~~~~ <br />December 31, 2004. We will audit the financial sfatcn1cu.ta if~ governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major <br />fund, and the aggregate remai-nn,g fond infOl.D)8.tion, which collectively comprise the basic financial statements, of the City as of <br />and for ~ ~ ended December 31,2004. Also, ~ document we submit to you will include the following additional <br />information that will be subjected m ~ auditing piocedures applied in our audit if~ financial statements. <br /> <br />1. ' Management's Discussion and Analysis <br />2. Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules <br /> <br />Audit Objective <br /> <br />The objective of ~ audit is ~ expression of an opinion as to whether your financial s1atements ~ fiI.irly presented, in an <br />material respects, in conformity with accoun1ing principles genemlly accepted in ~ United States of America and to report on <br />the fiUmess of~ additicmal information referred m in ~ fimtp8mgraph when considered iti relation mthe financial slal~u~ <br />1aken is a whole. Oar audit will be conducted in accordance with aumtn,g st8ndards ienemJ1y accepted in ~ United S1ates of <br />America and will include tests of~ accounting records and other procedures we consider ~ to enable us to express such <br />an opinion. If our opinion on ~ financial statements is other than unqualified, ~ will fully discuss the reasons with you in <br />adyance. I( ~ any reason, we ~ unable m complete the audit or ~ unable m form or have not formed an opinion, we may <br />decline m express an opinion or m issue a report as a result of this engagem~ <br /> <br />Management ResponsibDities <br /> <br />Management is res}Kmsible ~ making all fiDancial records and related information available m us. We understand that you will <br />provide us with such ~on required ~ our audit and that you ~ responsible for the accmacy and completeness of that <br />information. W~ will advise you about appropdate accounting prinCiples and ~ application and will assist in the prepamtion of <br />your financial statements, but ~ responsibility for ~ financial statements remains with you. As part of our engagement, ~ <br />may propose' standard, adjusting or correctingjournal entries to your financial statements. You ~ responsible for reviewing ~ <br />en1ries and linderstanding the nature of any proposed en1iies and the impact they have on the,:6nancia1 statements. That <br />responsibility includes~ establishment and tM1ntP.n$JDCC of adequate records and effective internal con1rol over financial <br />reporting, the selection and application of accounting principles, and ~ safeguatding' of assets. Management is responsible ~ <br />adjusting the ~ statements m correct m8.terial n:"Hf1lItAmeuts and for,llnnfinnillg m us in the represen,tation lettm,' 1hat the <br />effects of any uncorrected 111isstatements aggregated by us during the Current engagement and pertaining to the latest period . <br />presented ~ immaterial, ~ individually and in ~'aggregate, to ~ financial stateinents 1aken as a whole. ' <br /> <br />952.835.9000 · m 952..835.$261 <br />Www~.Coni <br />