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<br />.. '.. <br />: <br /> <br />c. By means of seIf...service methods whereby the customer does not need to malte <br />a verbal or written ~ to an employee Of the licensed ~ in oid~ to. : <br />~e tire tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco related devices and.wherebj , <br />there ill not a physieaI mreh~ of tobacco,. tobacco pmducts, or tobacce mlated ' <br />device between tlJe..1icensee or ~ licensee's ~Ioyee, and the ~. <br /> <br />:Q. By means ofloosies as defined fa Section 66.02 Subd. 6 oftbis ordinance. <br /> <br />B. COntaining opium, morp~ jmpson weed, :aeua ~ stryclmos,. eooame, <br />marijuana, or other deleterious, haJIOOnogeniC, toxic, or oontro1led substances . <br />~ nicotine and other substattces f~und naturally in tobacc"o or added as part <br />oiatt otherwise JawfW ~process. <br />I <br /> <br />. F. By any other Jnea1)1l) to any other peisml, or in any other manner ofform <br />prohibited by Fedem1, Stat~ or other Ioeat Jaw, ~ provision, or other <br />regulation. <br /> <br />, '~o07 . 'i(e)ll,UiDf 1W~,.hmeil. It sJd be unlawful for my person liceDsed lWder this <br />or6anee to allow the ~e ~ftobaeco, tobaccO produCts, or tOOacoo.related devkes by the <br />~ pia, ~ ~ unless minors ate at all times. prohibited ftom entering the <br />licensed estabJisbment . <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />"..08 'SteII-..~ 1flA~. It ~ be unJawfuImr"a licensee ~ this ordi.~n~ to <br />aJIowtbe sale of~ tobacco products, or tobacco related devices by.any means whereby <br />the ~~may,haye ~ to such items witJlout to ~ ~item ft'om the lieensee <br />or the licensee's employee and whereby there is :not a physica1.eJtChm,ge of tile tobaooo-,. tobacco <br />products, or the ~ related devi,Cesbctween.the licensee or his or her clerk and the qutomer. <br />AU tObacCo, tobacco products, and tobacco related devices sbaU either be stored behind a <br />couitter or 0_ ~ not freely accessible to customers. or In a case or other stOrage unit not <br />left open and accessible to the general publir;. Any retailer selling tobacoo, tobacoo ~ <br />or tobaCco ~ devices at the _ this ordinsttlte is adopted shaJl Comply Wi1;h this Section <br />Within 9Q days. Self..service sales restt1ction shall not apply to retail stores which deriw 'at <br />least rooA of~ revenue ftom tobacco and tobaccO related products and which _ot be <br />entered. anytime by a ~n(s) y~ than 18 years ofage. <br /> <br />"-09 . . ~~. An Jicensees under tbis ordinance shall be respOnsible for the <br />aCtio. of their employees in regard to the _ bftobaooo:o tobacco products.:or t~ related <br />devices 'on the licensed pre.mses and the sale of such lJD. item by an employee shall be cOnsidered <br />. " . I <br />a,$al,"1>Y..the~ holder. :Nothing ill this section shall be constmed as prohibiting the City <br />ftom also S1ibjectmg the cledc to whatever~eS are appropriate under this OrdinanOO:o State <br />Or Federal Jaw, or other applicable law,or r~lation. ' ' <br /> <br />66.10 . . <ColTItp&nllrA'l ChtP.lia.D and ''P~~1IJ. AU licensed preinises shaD be 'open to <br />. inspectiOn by ~ city police or other authorized city officla1.durii1g regular business hours~ <br />From time'to ,time, but at least once per year, the city shall conduct CQmpJia:nce checb bY <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />," <br /> <br />." - <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />5 <br />