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Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve <br /> The nominal rental fees for the camper cabins proposed in the master plan amendment are anticipated to offset <br /> the operations and maintenance costs related to the cabins. While the other proposed projects will not <br /> specifically generate revenue, it's anticipated that the operations and maintenance of these facilities can be <br /> absorbed into the general operating budget and be offset with an anticipated increase in revenue through other <br /> rental fees and annual and daily pass sales. <br /> Therefore, Anoka County believes the stewardship plan for the park reserve to be sustainable with assistance <br /> from the Metropolitan Council as outlined above. <br /> The only non-recreation related service offered within the park is the current existing composting facility, but <br /> within this Master Plan Amendment, that is proposed to be relocated north of the park, with only an entrance <br /> road within the park reserve boundary. While this facility does not generate any revenue for the County, any <br /> expenses related to the entrance road will be paid for by the Resource & Recycling Solutions Department. <br /> The Metropolitan Council's Thrive 2040 regional forecast estimates that the Twin Cities metropolitan area will <br /> become more racially and ethnically diverse over the next 30 years and that by 2040 the region's population of <br /> color will double to about 40% of the total population. In addition, one in five people in the metropolitan region <br /> will be age 65 or older. These shifting demographics require changes to the way the County operates and <br /> manages the park system and its amenities. <br /> According to the Metropolitan Council's November, 2016 Regional Parks System Visitor Study Report, non- <br /> Caucasians are significantly more likely to participate in fishing, special events and picnicking activities than <br /> Caucasians. In addition, the Metropolitan Councils March 2014 Regional Park Use Among Select Communities <br /> of Color Report, showed that Asian Immigrant/Asian American focus groups identified their top three preferred <br /> activities as walking, fishing and rest or relaxation. Two of the proposed projects in this amendment, the fishing <br /> access improvements and Wargo Nature Center projects, will help meet the needs for fishing and special events <br /> access. <br /> Demand for additional camper cabins is shown through the rise in revenues for the cabins and camping in <br /> general over the last 3 years. Since 2014, the overall camping revenues have increased about 20%and the <br /> camper cabin revenues have increased by about 13%, as shown in Figure 3. Camper Cabins are a great way to <br /> introduce visitors to camping and provide an alternate form of camping with less equipment required. <br /> 21 <br />