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Centerville 2040 <br /> Centerville's 2040 Comprehensive Plan update will incorporate regional policy <br /> and metro-wide goals while also integrating important local goals, objectives <br /> and preferred outcomes. Both regional Thrive 2040 outcomes as well as the <br /> local goals and priorities identified in Chapter 2 will form the foundational lens <br /> of this comprehensive plan, guiding decision-making and informing the <br /> content of each subsection. The chapters that follow will build on this <br /> community profile and an understanding of who and what is here now to <br /> create a vision for who and what this community will be by the year 2040. <br /> Each year the City holds a seven day community festival titled Fete des Lacs <br /> that honors the City's history and takes advantage of the beautiful parks, lakes <br /> and trails that surround the City. At the 2017 Fete des Lacs event, project <br /> members talked with dozens of communitymembers to inform them of the <br /> updating of the City's comprehensive plan and to gather feedback on a variety <br /> of topics including key strategies,' areas of opportunity, ' residential <br /> development, and to better understand how they viewed their community.The <br /> word cloud below is a' representation of what was heard from those <br /> participants. <br /> r <br /> Historic <br /> a � <br /> FunSafety CL <br /> Family <br /> Chapter I Page 2 <br /> 54 <br />