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Centerville 2040 <br /> The Metropolitan Council requires Centerville to plan for growth to the year <br /> 2040. Centerville also needs to plan for a community-wide transportation <br /> system. Connections need to be made between transportation, transit, <br /> pedestrian and bicycle facilities and land uses. The City needs to improve <br /> transportation connections and identify transit opportunities. The City must <br /> develop transition strategies to increase density and encourage infill <br /> development. <br /> Also, the Metropolitan Council requires that developing communities <br /> conserve, protect, and enhance natural resources by doing the following: <br /> • Conduct natural resource inventories <br /> • Adopt natural resource conservation techniques <br /> • Prepare local stormwater management plans <br /> • Include natural resources in the local park system <br /> • Implement Best Management Practices <br /> The Metropolitan Council has reviewed the city's plan to make sure it conforms <br /> to all metropolitan system 'plans, is consistent with requirements of <br /> Metropolitan Land Planning Act and is compatible with the plans of adjacent <br /> jurisdictions, including school districts. <br /> This section of the comprehensive plan provides a picture of the community <br /> as it exists today. Looking at the current demographic, social, physical and <br /> economic characteristics is an important step in planning for the future. <br /> Achieving the desired community vision starts with an understanding of the <br /> existing conditions and emerging"trends. This section can also be used to <br /> help inform daily decision making and policy by staff and public officials by <br /> providing a clear understanding of the community. <br /> The City of Centerville is in the southeastern section of Anoka County (Figure <br /> 1). Centerville consists of roughly 2.5 square miles and lies approximately 25 <br /> miles northeast of the Minneapolis Central Business District(CBD) and 20 miles <br /> north of the St. Paul CBD. Centerville is unique in that it is completely <br /> surrounded by the City of Lino Lakes. Centerville's closest neighbors outside <br /> of Lino Lakes are the City of Hugo to the east and White Bear Township and <br /> the City of North Oaks to the south. Interstates 35E and 35 W lie almost directly <br /> west and east respectively of Centerville, with Main Street or CSAH 14 <br /> Chapter 11 Page 5 <br /> 57 <br />