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Chapter 5 <br /> Plan of Action <br /> I. PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM <br /> An education program is critical to protect the City's water supply and gain the cooperation <br /> of property owners and businesses within the DWSMAs. A packet will be developed to <br /> present the various education materials to the property owners and others within the <br /> DWSMAs. Additional packets will be provided to new property owners and facility <br /> operators. <br /> A. Wellhead Protection Awareness Project <br /> Objective: The cooperation of property owners, facility operators and others is critical for <br /> the City to achieve our wellhead protection goals. The Wellhead Protection Awareness <br /> Program is intended to gain the cooperation of residents and business operators in the <br /> City's wellhead protection efforts. <br /> Actions: <br /> (1) The Wellhead Protection Plan Manager will notify property owners that they are located <br /> within the City's DWSMA. The notification will include a wellhead protection education <br /> packet providing information on the City's wellhead protection program. <br /> (2) The Wellhead Protection Plan Manager will installed signs in the right of way indicating <br /> the boundaries of the DWSMAs. <br /> (3) The Wellhead Protection Plan Manager will include wellhead protection information in <br /> their annual water quality report of their water supply system. <br /> (4) The Wellhead Protection Plan Manager will prepare a press release and issue a briefing <br /> report for newspaper and other media outlets on timely issues that coincide with an <br /> initiative such as an abandoned well information meeting or the installation of DWSMA <br /> zone signs. <br /> (5) The Wellhead Protection Plan Manager will make DWSMA maps available to <br /> consultants, septic system evaluators, and other interested persons that perform <br /> environmental evaluations. <br /> Cooperator(s): [City] Anoka County Municipal Wellhead Planning Group, Anoka County <br /> Environmental Services, Rice Creek Watershed District <br /> Time Frame: 2 112 years from the completion of the plan. <br /> Estimated Cost: ($ 1.50 per parcel within DVVSMA) <br /> Goal Achieved: <br /> (1) Preparation and delivery of a wellhead protection information packet. <br /> (2) Installation of ROW signs indicating the boundary of DWSMAs. <br /> (3) Annual Water Quality Report that includes WHP update. <br /> (4) Rice Creek Watershed District will provide assistance with education through their <br /> water use and conservation awareness programs. <br /> B. Hazardous Materials Management Education <br /> Objective: Educate residents and businesses regarding proper handling, use, storage, and <br /> disposal of hazardous materials within the DWSMAs through augmentation of existing <br /> 2007-12-12 Page 17 <br /> Centerville Wellhead Protection Plan (Part 2) <br /> 98 <br />