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3b. Anticipated outcomes (products) ofperforming this work: <br /> Tanks owners in the DWSMA will become aware of their role in helping to safeguard the <br /> community's drinking water aquifer. Information on the management of their tanks will be <br /> conveyed to help minimize the risks of future leaks or spills. <br /> 3c Management Strategy/Measure number: Actions IA and 113 Reference the Strategy/Measure <br /> number in the MDH source water protection approved plan (NOT the Draft Copy) or intake protection <br /> plan that will be supported by this work item. Attach the pmge(s)that contain(o)the source water <br /> protectionstra1egy/meaoure <br /> OR <br /> Attach the page(s) in the most recent SANITARY SURVEY that contains the action that will be supported by <br /> this work item. (Failure to submit the required documentation may result in disqualification). <br /> Detailed Budget and Schedule <br /> Describe all tasks that are included in the project with the corresponding costs and estimated date of <br /> completion (use onadditional page/fnecessory). <br /> Tasks: No of hours: (where applicable) Amount: Est. start date: <br /> Task 1: PCSI Update 30 - <br /> 4,110 7/1/18 <br /> Task 2: Well Survey 14 $ 1 918 9/1/18 <br /> Task 2: Printing, postage, etc. $ 800 9/1/18 <br /> Task 3: Educational task 12 $ 1,644 11/1/18 <br /> Task 3: Printing, postage, etc. $ 1,500 11/1/18 <br /> Checklist <br /> Z | have attached required pages from the wellhead plan or sanitary survey to my application. <br /> El | have filled out all the fields in my application. <br /> El | have signed my application. <br /> El | have provided a detailed budget for each work item. <br /> Disclaimer and Signature <br /> I certify that the information herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I submit this <br /> application on behalf ofthe applicant public water supply system. | acknowledge that the project will <br /> be completed by June 30, 2019 and that all work performed will be done in accordance with all Local, <br /> State and Federal Regulations: <br /> Signature: Date: <br />