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advance written notice of the effective date of the acceleration shall be <br /> given to the defaulting Owner. <br /> d. Impose reasonable fines, penalties or charges for each violation of the <br /> Governing Documents of the Association. <br /> e. Suspend the rights of any Owner or Occupant and their guests to use any <br /> Common Element amenities; provided, that this limitation shall not apply <br /> to Limited Common Elements appurtenant to the Unit, and those portions <br /> of the Common Elements providing utilities service and access to the Unit. <br /> Such suspensions shall be limited to periods of default by such Owners <br /> and Occupants in their obligations under the Governing Documents, and <br /> for up to 30 days thereafter, for each violation. <br /> f. Restore any portions of the Common Elements or Limited Common <br /> Elements damaged or altered, or allowed to be damaged or altered, by any <br /> Owner or Occupant or their guests in violation of the Governing <br /> Documents, and to assess the cost of such restoration against the <br /> responsible Owners and their Units. <br /> g. Enter any Unit or Limited Common Element in which, or as to which, a <br /> violation or breach of the Governing Documents exists which materially <br /> affects, or is likely to materially affect in the near future, the health or <br /> safety of the other Owners or Occupants, or their guests, or the safety or <br /> soundness of any Dwelling or other party of the Property or the property <br /> of the Owners or Occupants, and to summarily abate and remove, at the <br /> expense of the offending Owner or Occupant, any structure, thing or <br /> condition in the Unit or Limited Common Elements which is causing the <br /> violation; provided, that any improvements which are a part of a Unit may <br /> be altered or demolished only pursuant to a court order or with the <br /> agreement of the Owner. <br /> h. Foreclose any lien arising under the provisions of the Governing <br /> Documents or under law, in the manner provided for the foreclosure of <br /> mortgages by action or under a power of sale in the state where the <br /> property is located. <br /> 13.3 Rights to Hearing. In the case of imposition of any of the remedies authorized <br /> by Section 13.2.d., e., or f. of this Section, the Board shall upon written request of <br /> the offender, grant to the offender a fair and equitable hearing. The offender shall <br /> be given notice of the nature of the violation and the right to a hearing, and at <br /> least 10 days within which to request a hearing. The hearing shall be scheduled <br /> 29 <br /> 022818 <br />