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<br /> <br />PRSRl: STD. <br />U.S. Postage <br />PAID ( <br />Hugo. MN <br />PERMIT No. 20 <br /> <br />City of Centerville <br />1880 Main Street <br />Centerville, MN 55038 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />Talented centerVlUe G''tUdentS ( <br />NearlY 180 CentervlUe Fourth Graders shined brillfantlY on 'the sease at 'the Centennial perfOrming <br />ArtS Center on APrfl5. The StudentS. under 'the dlrec1:Ion Of 'the Classroom Music SPeCialiSt. Mrs. Bar- <br />bara HaYS. perfOrmed a crea1:lVe and charming rendi1:l0n Of 'the life Of Ludwig van 'Beethoven. a 17th <br />CentUry composer and pianiSt. <br />The musical. ,he 'Binding Tale Of 'Beethoven's 'Bool<UJOrms" was specificallY designed for Classroom <br />prodUCtion by MiChael and Jill Gallina. StudentS had been preparing for 'three rnonths for 'the 'tWO per- <br />forrnances; one in 'the af'ternoon. 'the O1:her In 'the evening. EaCh perforMance was enjoyed by a corn- <br />ple1:elY filled audf1:oriurn. <br /> <br /> <br />The part Of Beethoven was played by Kedgard <br />Corderoarn and Joseph HOffrnan. StudentS Joey Ul- <br />riCh. MOllY Voightlander. and Josh Lel<Son each per- <br />forrned a seleCtion Of 'Beethoven's cornposl1:ions on <br />'the piano. DaVid Laing performed a selec1:l0n on his <br />violin. There were alSO several SOloiStS. dancers. and <br />speal<ers. <br />Mrs. HaYS Sta1:ed 'tha1: 'the prograrn was selected 001: <br />onlY fOr 'the beaUtifUl rnuslc. bu't for 'the value Of 'the <br />'Beethoven's 'triumPh over 'the Challenges he faced 4 <br />wtth 'the lOSS Of his hearing. <br />A special1:hanl< YOU frorn Mrs. HaYS Is ex-eended 1:0 <br />I l'the Fourth Grade 'teaChers: Mrs. Lauderbaugh. Mr. <br />"$UJJer MOthS" PI8Yed bY lAU1'8 $fIPIJ811en 811d ChlOe EI/ebeCI(er. HalVerson. Mrs. Meisner. Mrs. CarlSon. Mrs. "Rands ( <br />and Mrs. Shannon Erne fOr 'their cooperation and <br />fle>dbfll1:y in SCheduling praCtices wi'th 'the StudentS WhiCh resutted in a succeSSfUl performance. <br /> <br />- Printed on Recycled Paper- <br />