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Centerville 2040 Chapter 5: Parks &Trails <br /> development occurring in these areas, the City will work with developers to <br /> identify the specific locations best suited to providing the public amenities and <br /> recreational facilities needed to serve these areas. Ideally, all residential <br /> development should be within a half mile of either a neighborhood or <br /> community park. <br /> The City's subdivision regulations require the dedication of park land or cash in <br /> lieu of land in conjunction with the subdivision of all lands. As indicated above, <br /> the City will identify specific sites for needed parks before these areas are <br /> developed. When plats are submitted for land containing proposed park sites, <br /> the City will require dedication of the sites as a condition of plat approval. If <br /> site requirements are greater than the dedication of a particular subdivision,the <br /> City may locate parks where multiple dedications may occur or use dedication <br /> funds to acquire additional land. Identified corridors in the City's plan for <br /> bicycle/pedestrian trails will also be dedicated as part of the City's park land <br /> dedication requirements. <br /> The dedication of land should be based upon net developable land. Wetlands <br /> and other unbuildable land may be included in a land dedication, but only in <br /> excess or in addition to the minimum developable land requirement. In other <br /> subdivisions, the developers will be required to make payments in lieu of land <br /> dedication. The City will not accept the dedication of park land in developments <br /> where parks are not planned. <br /> Funds received from payment in lieu of park land dedication will be placed in a <br /> separate fund designated for park land acquisition and capital improvements. <br /> Capital improvements may include the repayment of loans for previous capital <br /> projects. The dedication formula required in the subdivision regulations will be <br /> determined by the City's Capital Improvements Program, park development <br /> plans and strategy for needed park land and park improvements. <br /> REGIONAL PARKS <br /> The Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Regional Park Reserve, located in the <br /> northwestern corner of the City, has an overall land area of 4,400 acres, of which <br /> 149 acres are within Centerville's City limits. A master plan for the Rice Creek <br /> Chain of Lakes Regional Park was recently adopted by Anoka County. The <br /> Regional Park Reserve accounts for 9.6% of the acreage of Centerville. This <br /> regional asset is shown on the City's Parks and Trails Plan. The Metropolitan <br /> Chapter 5 1 Page X <br />