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<br />~1i$l1"" .. <br /> <br /> <br />('I III * "....,..........,...,.,........... <br /> <br />Top I 0 Teachers in Minnesota Include One From <br />Centennial Hi. School <br /> <br />CcrIIIp w,JcrnrI. CcImmunIlf SeIYlces DInlcrM <br />MarIee Eret has gone over twO <br />hurdles in the race to become Minne- <br />sota Teacher of the Year. Eret made <br />the top 10 list of Honor RoD Teachers <br />after being selected one of 29 Teach- <br />ers of Excellence. The Initial pool of <br />98 nominees come from statewide <br />teachers orpnIzations. Eret was n0mi- <br />nated by the Centel..... Education As- <br />sociation. <br />The selection panel wiD meet in <br />October to conduct individual inter- <br />views with the 10 Honor Roll Teach- <br />ers and cast their voteS for the 2000 <br />Minnesota Teacher of the Year. The <br />seleCtion will be announced at a lunch- <br />eon on Sunday, October 8. <br />.Many students strugIe with <br />school and want to give up. But the <br />system can't give up on them.. she <br />said. " the school system can help <br />them start to be suc:cessfuI. that suc- <br />- cess will be self-perpetuating. I've de- <br />.-roted my career to helping strugIing <br />. - -' students.. &et adeled. <br />Eret earned her Bachelors at St. <br />Ooud State and Masters at St. Th0- <br />mas University. <br /> <br />~~ <br />__~ ; -f>~ -H__ - <br /> <br />-"'lII:::IL <br /> <br />I, <br />l <br /> <br />,IJ <br /> <br />Her extra curricular ac:dvIdes In- <br />clude the Coupr Read Propm. and <br />II summers of teachIns at the Sum- <br />mer Ac:acIemy for Gifted and Talented <br />Youth. <br />-n.. Teacher of the Year pr0- <br />gram Is an attempt to pe recognIdon <br />to the t.eaehing pi ofassional and all the <br />hard work teachers do.. said Eret. <br />"Politicians and society place IiaIe <br />value on the teachIns profession. A <br />teacher's job Is trying to maximize the <br />pOtential and ClIents of others. not <br />themselves. Anyone who devotes his <br />or her life to teaching Is the teacher of <br />the year.. <br />Centennial's Teacher of the Year <br />Is selected from nominations received <br />by staff, students and community <br />members. Other candidates this year <br />were Candy Boser, Jan Drake. Demis <br />Gable. janice -Kegley, Colleen landin. <br />Rachel - Leafblad. Brian Marquardt. <br />Chris Manning, Da'Itd MundaIe. KIm <br />Olson. Mary Roden. Cyrena Schroe. <br />der and Della Stevens. <br /> <br />Help Your Child Succeed... <br />. Set good routines right from the beginning. <br />. Take time to make time. <br />. FoDow a schedule. Children need a schedule they can depend on - one that <br />includes definite times for homework. meals and sleep. Then they can work <br />around those times to include the extra's. <br />. React read. read. Share reading with children. even after they can read them- <br />selves. For variety, try reading newspapers. magazines even comic scrips. <br />You'D send the message that reading Is Imponant.. <br />. Check Into It. Look at what 'your chDcI brinp home from school. Talk about <br />the schoolwork together. this shows that you care about the lftinp your child <br />spends most of the day doIng.. ' <br />. ProbIeml Try the team approach. What can you do f you dOn't aaree with <br />how a teacher Is hancIIin& a probIeml There may be another'- <br />side of the story you haven't heard. It's best to avoid putdna <br />down the t.eadw In front of your child. Whyl Beause your <br />. \ child may develop a r.egatJve attitude toward school. Instead. <br />i you can teach respect by supportIna the teacher - even f you <br />don:t .. with the decision. <br /> <br /> <br />,.31 <br />. Centennial <br />. if) Mlclcle School <br />, A Coinmun1ty ofLemners <br />CenteI..da1 Middle School. located <br />In Uno Lakes. Is the r.- school in <br />the CentennIal School DIscrIct. Cnen- <br />nIaI . opened In 1997, and CUI'I'8IIt,Iy <br />houses over IJOG studenu. ..... .... <br />Middle school ... numbers 200 Indud- <br />ing teachers. administrators. and sup- <br />port staff. <br /> <br />~ Please Dbe, <br /> <br />Crossing Patrols <br />in scbool area's. <br /> <br /> <br />15 to '7 - any time between <br />II pm Be 5 am on Sun.. Men.. Tue.. Wed. <br />Thurs.; and 12..01 am - 5 am on Sat. Be <br /> <br />. <br />Please stop into Or, Hall for compIere <br />details regarding this ordinance. <br /> <br />Help keep <br />Centerville a Safe <br />CODlDlPDity <br />Report any and an_1SpIcIous <br />actIvItr by calling 911 <br />The CentennIal Lake Poke Department <br />wID pnwlde Inforntadon on how you <br />can protIlCt your p;open.y and yourself. <br />Please caB the non-emeIpnq raanber <br />(763) 784-2501 <br />for cIeIaIIs. <br />