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<br />CenalnlIIII: ".,., tfae Past.",. ,..,. OIl tfae,.". --...." 2000 I <br /> <br />I ::-:a~"~ ::::,::"don~,: == <br />October 'Is Nado~aI Fire Prevention Month , c:IodaIn8 when JOU coole. ...... wit;: All eIearIaI <br />aiIt on die ICD1I8 reaches a tempelature of _ <br />......... A .. faille goes ... I.GOO ...... <br />Your dish towel or pot Idler an ClIICh true <<10 <br />......... So an JOUI' bathrobe. apron. , ClI" IDose <br />sleeVe. Ie ... JOUI' stowe Is not IoadIld under a <br />wrncIow 1ft whkh CIII'IIIns are ....,... Clean the <br />8llhaust hood .. duct CMtI" the .... repIartJ. <br />and wipe up spilled ..... .... '. die surface of <br />the ..... Is ClDOI. Operate'JOUI' mIc:w owaM 0nIr <br />when .....Is food 1ft It. <br />CHII.DREN , <br />, One-rourda of aD ftre.cIeaths of children are <br />fires .... by c:hlIdren. Keep fIahters and matches <br />out of the reach of c:hIIdren. Newt IeaYe chBcIren <br />lIIlIU8IICIecI with Ire or space heaters. ChIldren are <br />IIlIbII'IIIJ curIouis about fire. so keep an .,. on <br />them. But f a chBcI repeatIIdIf pIap with Ire' or <br />seems to haM a morbId,lasc:Ination with fire. seek <br />prllfeuio.... help. If younpterS he with JOU or <br />SIaJ ~ ocx:asIoitallJ, be sure thaC me, /mow <br />how to escape hm ",.,., room and are part of <br />JCIUl" 8III8l aenc:y exit plan. <br />GASOlINE. RAMM:;::" UQUIDS <br />Flammable '1IcpdcIs be scored ana, In <br />appiwed safetJ ClOIItaIners, and the (DlltaInen <br />should be kept outside the house and pnIIe In a <br />separate .... shed. Gas up lawn equipment and <br />'lIlO1II!db 0M0'S outside, away from enclosed areas <br />and ..., IOUI'C8 of sparks or heat. Start the equip- <br />ment 10 feet from where JOU flIJed It with fuel. <br />Don't fIB a hot lawn mower, snowdarower, or <br />other motor; let It cool tlrst. N..... clean loon or <br />do other aeneraJ cleaning with pSoIIne or f1amma- . <br />bIe liquids. <br />~ . <br />Newt smoke In bed. Don't smoke when JOU <br />are drInIdna or are aImonIlaIIr tired. Use. far&e, <br />deep ashtraJs, and ..., them frequently. Newer <br />dump an ashtray Into the trash wldlout wettIn& the <br />buus and asbes tlrst. <br /> <br />I.... <br />I <br /> <br />SMOa~ <br />- Smoke ......an_ for tine out of four <br />cIeaIhs. IDst:aII smoke 4eUIctcn on ...., IMI of <br />JOUI' home a outside of sleeping areas a _ <br />monthIr. keep smoke 4et8aors dust.he and .... <br />plaCe baa:erIes at least onca a J8II', or sooner, II <br />the cIeGla.air. III8Ices a c:hIrpIag sound. ......... <br />smoke 11m ~. are lWlliIabIe b' the hearJliIlm- <br />'paired. <br />FIRE EJC7INCUISHERS <br />PUrc:Imse an ABC.". exdRpIsher for exdn- <br />pIlIhIng aD .". of...... fire ............ should <br />be mounted 1ft the Idrdlen, praae, and worIcIhop <br />and team how to uSe JOUI' Ire exdnpIsher bdn <br />there Is an ~. Remember. UIe an ...... <br />........ on ...... ..... only. If dlere Is a ..... Ire, <br />.. out ImmedtateIJ and caB 911 from another <br />location. . <br />.....IOUI' &aft <br />".... a Iocr,.... of your honie IhoWIna at <br />least two ... out of each room. Sleep .. JOUI' <br />bedroom door dasecL In the event of fire, It heJpa <br />.to bold back heat and Imob. If a door feels hot. <br />. do not open It; escape dIrouah another door or <br />wIncIow. .Easy-to.use wIncIow escape IacIcIerI are <br />lMIIabIe throaah many c:ataIo&ueI and oudet <br />ItDnlS a aaree'OII a flxed Ioadon out-of.4oors <br />where -s, members are to pdler for a head <br />COUIlt. Stay topdler ..., hill the Ire. CaB 911 <br />from another location. <br />fIRIIIIIACI <br />Remember, JOU're cIeIIbelately brJn&Ina Ire <br />Into JOUI' home; respect It. Use a IrepIace acreen <br />to pnwentsparks hm, fIrInI and don't ItDI'e <br />new.,e...; IdncIBn&. or mau:heI near the tlrepIace <br />or haM an 8xposed rua or wooden ftoOr rI&ht In <br />tom: of the IrepIace. ..... JOUr' c:hImney InIpecte4 <br />by a.'professfdital prior to the Ifal't of ...., headn& <br />..... and cleaned to remove combustible aeo- <br />SOC8 bulkkIp f nece... 'I. When JJahdnI a pi fre. <br />. place, ... JOUI' match .... then tum on the gas. <br />RIRNACEISPACE HEAlERS <br />Used 1mpropeI1J. a space heater can be the <br />most cIaftaerous appliance In JOUI' houIe. InIIlIB and <br />maintain heatIn& equipment c:orrec:dy. Haw JOUI' <br />fumacIe InIpected bJ a profealonal prior to the <br />..-c of every heat!nI season. Dem,'t.... newspa- <br />pers, .... or other c:ombuIdbIe materials n.- a <br />iImate. hot water heater. spac!e helder. etc. Don't <br />rea.. space heaterI operatIns when JOU.... not In <br />the room and keep heaterI at IeaIt three feet...., <br />tom IIIJthIn8 dIat ml&ht bum.1ncIudIna die waD. <br />Don't use extenSIon cord$ with electrical space <br />heaters. The hf&h amount of current the1 require <br />~ melt the cord andltart a h When II&htIna <br />a pi space heater. ItrIIce JOUI' match ..... then <br />turn 011 the gas. Newt use a pi ranp'. a IUbstI- <br />tuee for a furnace or space heater. <br />CLOTHISDADR <br />Uader IOlIl8 cIraallItaIlceI daft&erouI heat <br />can build up In a .,.. Newr IeaYe home with the <br />cIodlei .,.. I'URRInI- 0.,.... lIlUIt be wnt8cI to <br />&he outside, not Into a waD or attic. Clean the Dnt <br />~ frequently to keep the aIrwaJ duro New <br />put 1ft "Jftdle* fabric:I, plude, rubber. or .... <br />because the1 retain heat. <br />I III ease otFare. aaII 911 <br /> <br />EUiCTRICAL HAZARDS <br />It Is ~ not to use ......, amIa. If JllIU <br />feel JOU .... use one, JII'aJce sUre dIat It Is not <br />ta.,ed or worn. Do not run It under a rua or twist <br />It arauad a naB Or hook. New 0lII8I'Iaad a socIIet. <br />Do DOt use II&Iat bulb waaap *'*" Is too hf&h for <br />the tbaure. Look for the label inside each fixture <br />. which .. the IIlIIdmum waaap. . <br />Chedt perIoclIcaIlJ fOr loose'waD ~ IDose <br />wIreI, or loose If&htInI tIxtureL SparIdna IIl88IlI <br />dIat 'JOU'w ..... too IonI- <br />AJkM air space nund the.TV to prewent 0lI8I'- <br />. heatfD&. The IlIlII8 apples to pJua-In radIoI and <br />IW80 ..... and to powerful lamps. <br />I a circuit IlreaIcer trips or a fuse blows frequeIldy, <br />Immedfatel'! cut clown 011 the number of appIiallCIes <br />OR dIat line. <br />Ie sure aD' electrlc:al equipment bears the Under- <br />........ Laboratories (Ul.) label. <br />In lltlIlI'J older homeI. die capacity of the wIrIn& <br />... has not kept pace with ..". modem <br />appIIanceL Overloaded efectrIcaI IJII8IIlI bwIfe <br />Ire. Watch for thelIe owerIoad IIpaIs: dllam1n8 <br />..... when an appBance goes on, a shriJtIdna TV <br />picture. .row headns appIIances" or .... blowing <br />frequently. CaR a quaIItecI eIectrIc:Ian to .. expert <br />.. <br />KI1'CHDI <br />0nIess COClIdng Is the number one cause of <br />lesldantlal ...... NeYer. IeaYe c:ooIdn& wlltllellded. <br />It's _ to haM a .... extinguisher near the <br />IdtIChen. NMr pour water 011 a arease fire; turn of <br />the __ and CCMr the pan with a lid. or dole the <br />owen door. Keep pot handles 011 the ..... poIndns <br />to the badr. and '.. watdt'JOUl1& cIIIJcIren In <br />the Idlx:hen. Don't ItDI'e It8I1l1 on the stoYet9fl, as <br />the1 could c:acch ...... Keep Idtc:hen appIIanceI dean <br />andlnaood condition, and turn them off and dJs. <br />cannect them when not In use. Don't owrIoacI <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />'I I StutItibo1rIJr jIre tl'Uck dedlcoJed by Mayor Don TOIII't1ille In 19$0. CentenIIle's <br />, , ~ Chit( fJI thIlt time 1vtIS FrancIs B1II'f'M1. ' _ <br /> <br />"" <br />I <br />