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Second,,, how many of these housing units were occupied by households? <br /> teach housing type has an estimated occupancy rate. These data come from the most recent American Community Survey <br /> estimates forlK)nzing units and households, decennialcensus data from the I S, C'ensus Bureail�, and the U.S. Posey <br /> Service, <br /> Multiplying the number of housing units of each type by the Occupancy rate yields the number of households (occupied <br /> housing units). <br /> Third, how many people lived in these occupied housing units? <br /> Each housing type has an estimated average household size. -F.have data come from the roost recent American Cornmunitv <br /> Survey estimates of households and population in hOrlsehalas as well as decennial census date from the U,S. Census <br /> Bureau, <br /> Multiplying the nurnDer of each housing type by the average household size yields the population in <br /> households. <br /> Ho,"seholds <br /> Housing stock Occupancy (Occupied Persons per Population <br /> April 1, 2017 rate housing units) household in households <br /> v"Ingle-favinly rhenched 1,182 96.54% 1,141 3.057 3,488 <br /> Townhome(Single-familo 119 98.30% 117 3.057 358 <br /> attached) <br /> too plessIrmleximmapdox 14 9820% 14 1. 14 <br /> Multifamily(5 or more units) 108 98.60W, ilso 1-328 141 <br /> Alternative dwelling units(ADU) 0 98.60% 0 10323 0 <br /> Manufactured homes 0 94.84% 0 1-00Q. 0 <br /> Other unriw, 0 N/A 0 1490 0 <br /> 'I'D tat 1,423 96.84% 1,378 2.903 4,001 <br /> To obtain the total population,we also add the number of residents in group quarters facilities. <br /> These are residences that are not part of the standard housing market, such as college dormitories, nursing homes, prisons and <br /> titivai survey and I the Minnesota l")epartment of Humian <br /> Jails, and group homes, Data come from e Metropoli�an i-oundl s sun <br /> Services, <br /> Population Population in Total population <br /> in households group quarters April 1, 2017 <br /> 4.001 0 4,001 <br /> A hov— <br /> Cue to rounding, aN-not estimates can be rePcoduced exach"; Fr-orn te ab <br /> P� Mar,' information D..-.It-. our methodology document, available from <br /> 71 <br />