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of water511ed-wide development. <br /> LOO-Year,24-Hour E—nt <br /> 100A. ACID 31 Main Trunk lvloderete Culvert under Kettle River Boulevard is the Control.Some <br /> potential structure inundation near Kettle River&oulevard. <br /> 1006 ACI]10.22.32 Main Trunk Low Culvert under 1-35W is the control.No damage is likely to <br /> result-ditch section here is deep. <br /> 100C JD 4 Main Trunk L.- It appears that the new realignment channel is adequate to <br /> convey future flaws. <br /> This developing area is served only by a small diameter(12 <br /> 1001) Upstream of JD d Main Trunk the Moderate tile.Add it i u nal con veva nce and{or storage is required to <br /> enable the zoned land use jsimilar to ACD 55)- <br /> Existing structure Inundation in this location may be <br /> LODE JD 2 upstream of Elmcrest Ave. High exacerbated.Increasing the culvert sixes under 16Sth Ave. <br /> may assist in mitigating this issue. <br /> No Structures are Currently inundated in thi5 area,and a peak <br /> 10OF JD 2 upstream of Hwy.61 Low flood elevation increase of less than 1-foot will not likely <br /> change that_This area contains a substantial uolume of flood <br /> sto rate. <br /> No structures are m dose proximity Lo the wilting Floodplain. <br /> lOOG Jct 3 Main Trunk Low However.changes in floodplain may have same effect on <br /> development of adjacent.lots. <br /> No 5trar[tu res are in close proximity to the existing ti o o d pla l n. <br /> 100H Farmer ACD 41 Low Howeverr changes in floodplain may have same effect on <br /> development of adjacent lots. <br /> Development is challenged by the lack of an adequate outlet. <br /> 18tl1 ACO 55&72 Moderate Cl ty of Lina Lakes Is cu r re nt ly developing a plan to address <br /> these challe,ees. <br /> 11. Table 8.1 Stormwater Capital Improvements:Table should set forth, by year, details of each planned capital <br /> improvement that includes the schedule, estimated cost, and funding source. <br /> 12. Section 10.2 Amendment Procedures:The City should update this section to reflect that LWP updates are <br /> now on the Comprehensive Plan cycle.The City should also specify that major plan amendments will be sent <br /> to RCWD and the Metropolitan Council for review prior to City approval. <br /> The provided comments below offer grammatical and formatting suggestions for the LWP: <br /> 1. Section 1.0,third paragraph: Recommend revising language to: "the City will work with RCWD to review land <br /> development projects" and "The RCWD has regulatory authority to enforce its rules and regulations to <br /> ensure water protection in the City." <br /> 2. Section 2.3:This should be updated to reflect the current M.S. 10313.235 and MN Rule 8410 requirements. <br /> 3. Section 3.3, last sentence& Section 3.8, last paragraph: Recommend the City add "of" between "most the." <br /> 4. Section 6.1, bottom of pg 6.21: Recommend correcting "City is directly responsibility"to "City is responsible." <br /> 5. Section 6.4, second paragraph: Recommend revising"implementing RCWD rules"to "RCWD implementing its <br /> rules and the City meeting..." <br /> 6. Section 8.4 underneath dredging equation: Recommend revising "estimate of cost for dredging" to "cost <br /> estimate for dredging." <br /> The RCWD appreciates the opportunity to comment on the City's plan. We look forward to reviewing a revised draft <br /> for consideration by the RCWD Board of Managers. If you have any questions please contact me at (763) 398-3078 or <br /> Isam <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Lauren Sampedro <br /> District Technician <br /> Cc: Judy Sventek-Metropolitan Council <br /> Sam Paske-Metropolitan Council <br /> Mark Statz-City of Centerville <br /> 75 <br />