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<br /> <br />.... DUl'iDgthernonthsofJ1d)',~~~' <br />~,i994~the-cityCoUl1ciltc)ok,tbe;'" <br />folloWing acti_of$snJficanee: . .' <br />.~Accepted 1he BergntanCoJnpanies,b1c' <br />bidforthel994..1996Crack~of ". <br />~.~ity$1teet& .......... .... <br />.!~bid$tor!lIae.nediattn~~ <br />1ati~rc,theremo'W1oftbe~" <br />tank at the old CityRa1lsitel~on: <br />,'SoreISereet . ,C\'-;;'! " <br />~a~tOtbe~_ <br />of the Cleanvater Creek FlC)Odl\ed_OI1 <br /> by $3S.0Q0.utitf7.i1'lS $30pc)O <br />of City monieS,pl1J8 t\'1e;$S,OOO ~A-, "'.' <br />eo.isultins R~c:OntdbutiOlL" ",' <br />-Adopted a reso11ltio.n~ the '.' <br />Clearwater CreekF1Ooc1PIain Red11cti0li - <br /> <br />~".. '. ........ <br />. .'. ..Adopteda~~~awardingtht,; . ." <br />, 'ctearwater Creek lnoc)dRedueti(mProject <br />I to dtelowbidder PaJ4aandSons. -I <br />.Adoptedalevise4Open~,:, <br />PermitsB.equired ~anclestab-, <br /> <br />Cityof~Newsle1tet,.',"...l994 <br /> <br /> <br />" .for~pnbUns timcIato,tepJace <br />~'""~ Jfibt....CQltheirpo1ice~kis in <br />: :1"$/','-.'; . ",.",": <br />..~Otdiaanr.e~',tlditts, ",.:. ... <br />sect:i0l13a.PepositsonIJtteetP'Ohlbl~ . <br />,,'JlC)~:sball sweep,.,"velor~..'., <br />. '.depoSitany.1eaves,....~ot. '. <br />other materials of any Id$l inanys1;reet or <br />. ptter'withinthe Cit)' of~. <br />.~tJ1e~~~~t\VO,~.,( <br />~-the-at1'Videb~'J:I114. ..<~,1 <br />micropl1oneStobe.~in~ ~""" <br />Ha1l'CoundJ.~t.ahHJ~tothe . <br /> <br />1IIx:payeI'&."., ' :. \. <br /> <br />, ~e4~:l~SJ,)n'I~_ . <br />~t\IIUl_tevyint11e~of.." <br />$3~1~65~OO'-;".!;<-j..q,-)- ..... . . ,.. . <br />-Voted to contract with the Circle '." . .. <br />~ponce~-tcii <br />- ponce 8eiVlcesfor acosfJij)ftoexceea <br />$160.424.:-.. ., ,.;;. ...., '. '. " ',: .,.. ." .,' " .... <br />,~iheACOht'eteek,8ecODd" . <br />,:Addition"Pte~P1at<:. .' ; · <br />. ;;AjpointedCouncii'~B~ <br />as Centerville's IIr;p1esentati~:to'thet <br />AnokaCoUtrtY lIoQsbJsanclJledevelop- <br />'JQeQtAl1thOrityTeclmical~. <br />. i'.~CitystUftO dtai\.lettetto f... <br />the City oflJDo Lakes to inqUire 'about <br />the posst'bility ofnharedsetVi~ <br />reprdittJaStatf engineer. <br /> <br />.}I$heda$30.00~,~t;:~, <br />'burnlii&~""-:--,"/:'li'; . .",;'i . <br />..Aclvertised for atblldme,Clerkl . <br />Administrator. , . <br />-ReqUestedproposalS.f'c)ilJOUce. , <br />~ ,similat to services.curreIltlY. <br />~,fprwIth~~lePhle$l <br />.LexiflJtOn;PoJi~,~ <br />-Adopted a resolUtion atBrmins <br />--o,unciJlStatfRsponsibilities---' <br />-Direc:tedStatf to send illeiter tothe; <br />City ofLIno Labs reglrding the posst'bil- <br />it)' ofa joint venture to servi-theeast <br />side withmimicipat WIiter. ',' > <br />~AdOpteda SexualBarassmentPoUcy. <br />. ..:.Postponed the aclclitioDal street . <br />sweeping umu Sprln8199Sperthe <br />recomniendatiOll of1ltePubJic WCJrks. <br />DJrectorI BlIildin8~and.b1Jd8et ;....; <br /> <br />~.' ....,............ <br /> <br />, . . -ApproVed'" request~CIrc1e~ ' <br />LexingtoD.PoU~~ ViDBiJddeo <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Overnight Parking ~ Aboutspeelal meetings . ' . ,'" . <br />-- --~ - -- ~- -'- c." -- ------ - - -- -8pecialCit)' eoim.cil meetingJlOticesare posted-OIl the ~\ltdty bll11etibbOard - <br />POliCY, ' I@ I ia....CI1y HaIl_ N_ ...pllIIIl:dol,__"'" ia........ of tile ~ <br />~. .' 1984 Citizens of the-year and', . :' " .'. .' <br />Tfu, City oteem<<vmecUrrentt does,c, "!,,~!~~~pe,,,n.,oft~ey..rawards. . . . . II', <br />____--~~..o.~o_ .~=~~ ..~~~...~....,..'L,~~-.,.. .-~..o.=..,'"....'-c'~r1)QLyou.~_wJto--made-aa~tke-Cityof~...-c",-c.. <br />l'1Ot allow pllfl$1 011 ~b,etween 3.~ CenterYiUe? 'the JlC)minee couldincludc persons who are:curtelltly actIveorbaVemade ' <br />a.m.,ancl1:OOa.m. daily. DuriDs ~ COI11n'butiol\s in the.-.Applicatipns fernominati_areavau.&leetCity H811orcomplete <br />, .COJIStrUction it~~ the af;tach.ed.fonn,ITbl$ a.wardil'-ed,\lPQl;'tbe ~oflheCentervUle ~ . <br />:.~:r~:A~r ..' '. l1omiCDevelopmentconmuttee..~dl~fOr submittatisW~,'.Novemt#.9.J994; <br /> <br />:o~preventparkinsOlltheJ)rivate, Dol.......... Building Permit? <br />. .... ". Abuilclins or structure may not be erected. constructed. ~ altered. n=paiied. <br />.'. III order to aid residents. the City . .... . moved, improVed. r.emoved.COIlverted ot demolished unlesJ a buildiJlspennit basbeen <br />I CoUll~basappro~.edmi,,'~ve . o~ ftotnthebuildinsiDspectOr. S11'uct1lfes UI1der120~feetm.dolU)t reqwre <br />procedUl'ewhereby~_call City' abuilcUnJpermit. For moreinfOl'Jn8d,on call Paul PaIzef~ Public WorkS DireCtOtlBUitdins <br />Hall........ ............... _1.._ _iooIrI..... ' . inspector, at 429-4750 or 429-3232. . . <br />...... _a-... a IlIUVU term ~auaa " :~ <br /> <br />=c:t~-=~or:a~,riThISOldhouseJJ .' ", ...... ., .... " <br />Ponce~$Othattheywi1lal1ow '/>... . Are10llawareofaMbmesofaL8w'CCJDllDotd)"ref~toas~oldHouse, <br />tIi ~.< ,'. m~parIdnJ. .,' .;:~: ~Cll.eJlC01U8Ies property O~.res1gte~renovatetheirolder,~es1'J..'hislaw <br />. e . .....'.<"~0(U; . ...... ..., ." '. ':;;;0>.,i"xeQ\p~tromthe property_ altor a p01ti~1to!tbe Value of~v~~de to ho~ <br />FQrmd,.e.~~:On;thep~....';':i,,'~)"~ofaseorolder.. ..". ......., . ..'i,,-,.;,J <br />.1._. "~f.'....... .... ...... '.'caIl' '.. . . ...~. .."Ii;....U.. '.'; .....". ...... "2' I). ..~ .1.".,,:'.. ": "".' ..'. ,Toseeifyou qualify co~~City ltaU or.Anoka CountY'A$sasOtT~. ,Smith at <br />"1UI':,p_e., . :~.."..(I-"""" ~,,~, .,~.., ..4.21~160. ., .. . ,. ... .....,. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.;~ <br />...~~..'.'" <br />'-i-'-f( . "",. <br />"'~1/;'1 . <br /> <br />