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<br /> <br />> '. <br /> <br />. . - , <br /> <br />.'Jl~r;~e.nts,~!.~,bo~an~:~~~"of~~nte~t,,<..',. " <br />j~ .ccThecCenteMllefe$tival."Fetedes... ..~ "':'€entraIPlu-k:i-woutdexpecthigher~' <br /> <br />=:f:;~~~:~;.;a;:;S,." :'=~~;:~.;~i""N..........eedt;,bLdldin.c. ..g.~rrt\!fl ' <br />.festi....... 'vaI, .'.1S........-.''.'..hJld. .on. \J.U1Y.29,. >>... ,and...... '.' .,'.."n..Nwu:..,.'istjSn'aridno.ise.Wil.l.'.be....oo....,btOte... ..... . A~ struct1lre notbe <br />.3.1. st.Mo. repeop......'... .le ~~..econ..tri.ibutecUo, ".;;:.' ..... ,anamio~......,.. '....1fte. '.' . .... 'CityComici.., ,.I.bas...... ',.... .~.~. en;argn:,~;:~ <br />. belpplan.,!:ev~and~~>f~~.~llthPri1.ed~j,1(ctP.tlmt~ ~~' ~"~;mOved;impio-ved.~Vf:d.,' <br />,.than. ..........~. .erbefQre' ~I\.vC)~~t!tern,!'j~,~\V., ~., ..... .fo~thFriday.'. ,andSatgrdayc- "'~nvertedOtcdCmO~.~- <br />'featUres titfs'yearare{het.aser Light, . " tligbt to allow.for the UtserLight ShOw 't"~obtamedfiolll'thel'idl '.. <br />'.' . .' . -Hne~p,~ade.O~ . .untiln:OQp.m..oiiFrid!ty,and811.',. ..~.~~l20~~{e~L <br />:'-agaili_i:Jqcidbusi~1mvJ?Sv~ . 'outaOOr~~t1V~Iieicli-ellib-'~ . '... .' in lU'ea,do1'lot reqUire abuilding per~dt,. . '". <br />. ~~~~~N~Co~t;ribuf~((fi~i' '., ~'laSt:not~)~~pilsttAi~i~.';' . ho~v~dteYm\J8t~.therequireptents . <br />invollU1_.etTortStobe~v.-.mJlke., c' ~ SatUrda)'ni811t. We,ltaveenUstedmany. ..Of~ ~.catl~ PafzetiPubHc, <br />festivalan:e_t$ cOmmUnityactfvity . . volunteers.u) helpwithCJ~up aDd.thC Works DirectorIBUi1ding JnSpeCt()r~at 429-,' <br />that shQuldproveto befimf"of aUagCS;'poliCewillbenearbytoftel}) With'indlic. 4150 .fOr~ inf~OJt .... . <br />.... o.teofilte<'rrt9S1ilJlportantp~., '~1)trot:SinCethis 'is"Q~a-y<<*.event Lan....... ....... d... sea.............,... . pin' ..g....n....,....sw...,',......,. .'..10...... '..............,' <br />,"pi6lffote'dieqwlities, urpronioteour comnnmitieS. I trust1bat'u>> . <br />.. Qf our OWl1(;ity bfCenterviUeandtbe~,the local residents and bpsiness ppef8- <>rdinarice ##8 States'the~el...i1tuSt <br />"c4uaHties~purneJghborjn8communi-:. ..tOrS can .':~.~th~~v~~:. _ ~themmtY8nt.~,~~~, <br />.~:-'ti.'. ~esaswelf;(lIJllfory~~oU!"fiitniH._es~,'" . an.-a..lle1pRuilCeFe.'~.'deS't8c$.c"'. 'Ii con.lirtb..;:; ,~', - , :: to die _oribe ~lurC on.ev.ery Jot <br />, . th8tthe eff4.lrti$l1J.Ilde;.ltisa goOd; ' , . '. ..... "ingSUccess!;' ..... "-"~'. ". ...... . ......... . "W'rtbilfo~Year of~tbetJsuance()lllle~ <br />..:-:chantefofCitit.enstmd~glibots~~. ~ . '-Thankyolla11f9iYOUt:~' 'c~~'ei-mit, tbe~-J~~5h@Jlbe <br />,'meet~get,_ knO\\foneano~"~ ;~. ". .. Jw)~every01le~iplrttng ~8lld';-.:', ,;,~,.','.",.,'.......'~~.;. ~......, .>a..~.'. '.;' :,,;.... .,.~.....:...a.."l!..:~.c~.'....~.. ,._...wbi. .........._,.....~l!~v~~ <br />~..VilI~~opPo~it,ie$itt;:c'~_c .....Visiting~ffil$.feStiVil ~tl'fla\te3$lfe~iticF;;' ",,,,",VB _.... WUN y.........., <br />. ~ompetitMt~8J1Cl.~ chancetO~get: enjoy8bletime.tet'sli.~g<iod <br />eveli"bY~ll8a~~eitmetn..; ....... .' ..... .... ...... ..... "." <br />.beis.poli~.baro~.!Jlld()ther$in.the.; <br />'bUnkTame.r}',. ,," <br />:'".'. "AiobjWith:dtepositjvc .aspeof,l.~fthis <br />~vent. therewiJlJjk~ly1Je sonieextrit . . <br />. traffic in the8J'e4l5.ofthepara4e~d <br />