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<br /> <br />City of'Centervllle Newsletter,Spring 94 <br /> <br />d . Rarks and Recreation N~rthmetr(). <br />.;p~t~and'\Fr~ifWays.:eo~rttn~nsiV&i;.... e.=~~~~rtr <br />..p<l.anpubl. ic he.. a.. ....ring 'I'hteitiesofCenrerviUe,CircJePines <br />'andLexingtonlQ1d~Centennial School Dis- <br />. . . . The City~fCenterviUe will PreseIrtthe co~eclatthis time forinclusi(m in thetmaJ triet comprise the}liortltMetroRecreation <br />~ Patk and Pec:IestriaD System. COmprehensive revision asPlahadoption is anticipated during Commission~ North Metro Recreation offers <br />Plan andboltia public he.aringfor a final Jun~. . Cop~es of th~ Plan are a~le for . avatiety of recreational ~vities. 1'he <br />review by residents prior to adoption of the reVIewat City Hall;orthey may be SlgnedoutCommi~on's Program ec)OrdinatOri$-Kim <br />Plan by the CilyCouncU. Theheatingwilltake with a$3~OO deposit.refutidable ,upon return.. Bergman~ . Mlh ~.' orgSn1zes, imple-- <br />place-on WedJlescJaY . May 1~,J994at 7;00 If you cannot attend the public hearing. written' ments and oversees the recreation program. . <br />p.m.intheCentervilIeCity HaIlCouncilChani': cornmentsmaybe sUbmitted to City Hall, C~F()rmoreinfotmatiortregarditlg reCreational <br />hers. All residents are enco~ to attend. Park and Pedestrian System TaskPorce; J 880 act;iVities' contact Kim at 780..7687. <br /> <br />.' Resident review and comments are en- Main Street. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City CounclJ <br />SeCond & Fourth Wedl1esday of each month.... 7:00p.m. <br />Star City eommitt~ <br />First MoridayOf each month ..........:................;..., 7:00 p.rn <br /> <br />..~.~f~'!'ml,lg.and~~1!'9~;~~ct..:::~r.~;::...~~.~...~,7.....~:~tt <br />'. . flmTuesday,of each month :-~.;.;:..,;;;...;.:::;..;.:....7:00p;m.' <br />.Park.ndRecrea~on~ .' ............. <br />'7' ~=-,!!~!~~~~~_~f ~~-~cQ~~:;:~:;:.:=.,~~:~~f!:~!:~~:~..~ <br /> <br />. Economic DevelopmentCornmlttee <br />. Third Tuesday of each month ............................. 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />Centervilleseeks ' <br />- -, -. . <br /> <br />'"R~"K"anCrreCrealiOrr~' <br />"comffilffe&1fiemDef'~ ". <br /> <br />".-, _ u, _.. . _.:...--,__ _ _ _', .C', . _.' _" .' :'_ _.- _' :,'_ ._.', _ '__ _ - c. . _ . _ _ - " <br /> <br />.' ElCe~~CLeei{ntam~~of=raJ(e~=~~".' <br /> <br />:,_,' '-', -':,' - ,.--, '--C,",. -. - -~. -:-. 'r,.~. ...-,:- -','_" _ . c- - - '..... ,- ~_~_~_..-:"-_..:-;-'"""~~~__.----::-._,... t c_-.-.~~~.;:--c--:'-.-.-:-:,.,.,---'-.-.--,- _0 <br /> <br /> <br />,.c.~~9_~2~~fll~~I~~. 'co '.c__...=. '_~~"'.~. ."= ..~_~ <br /> <br />__ .__" . ThisAnokaCountyparkotTers2,500..andPel~etLakeswillnolongerbePermitted, <br />~,.~_. .'--acn,s of~Wlldemess'nmIS'-~~~~'~GOCJll~to-~ <br />. facilities for ~g,camping and pic- man this seasOnl . <br />nicking. . The Joseph B. Wargo Nature Genters is <br />The park entrance is located in l()Catedinsidethepark. The~turecenterhas <br />Centerville just soutbofthe 1-35Woverpass an interpretive buiJdingoverlooking George <br />..... "onCoWltyRoadl4{MainStreet);---:WatchLalce..CalI429-8001 fotmoreinfor-.- <br />Reservati~nsforcampingcan~made ~on. ... . . <br />bycaJling the<AnokaCountyParkS' Depart- . . . . C~o~ Golf Course is also located <br /> <br />-~-t~i:7=~:Z:~c~~~=~ZI~~~:~~~~~f~~r~~~~S~' <br /> <br />fro th.k---..... p'w' aI' "Co. .unty." and cart rentals. . <br />, m epar "maQlRN.l ng ong . . .. , <br />Road 14 (Main Street) between Centerville <br /> <br /> <br />. . ..Due to the recent reSignation . <br />ofLinda Drilling, there is an cipeningon . <br />the Park alJd . Recreation Committee. <br />Ms.Drilling:adediClltio(lWiU be.sprrily <br />missed. If you are interested With the <br />development ofCenterville'sparksys- <br />-~.,and~WDuld.liblOseJX~<<mib9"p..arI(n . <br />c:8ildReereatiOnCOmmittee.~pte_sen~' <br />a letter ofinterest-toCit)' Hall no later <br />tharl May 16,1994. <br /> <br />Scheduled.. meetings <br /> <br /> <br />. SpeeiaIM.eeti"gPo8tlng$ <br /> <br />.-,-. -.__ ._0. _., . <br />.:~~iltCQtyOo~~~'Ut~~OIf1h&'~ <br />cornmlJnlty bulTetiilb08(d In the CItYH8Ify8Stlbule~NOtIc88. <br />.,.~~~~~~ast th!ee.~ys~~~~~f them~trng <br />date. ---- - .--. ..,--.. --'--'''---~. o~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />