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<br />. IP <br /> <br />facilities, etc.}. Persons interested in this <br />volunteer position are requested to sublit a letter of <br />interest no later .than August 2, 1991. <br /> <br />Part tile. telporarv Public Morks IIDlovee - The City of <br />Centerville is seeking a part tile, telporary public <br />works elployee. Previous public works experience is <br />preferred, but not necessary. A job description is <br />available upon request. Please send resules by August <br />5, 1991. <br /> <br />CITIZIR IIPUT - Citizen input is welcole! Your cOllents, <br />suggestions, criticisls, requests and cOlplaints are requested to <br />be in writing, signed, and sublitted to City Hall seven days <br />prior to the regularly scheduled leeting. (The tile frale is to <br />allow the Council lelbers to receive the inforlation and <br />investigate prior to Council action.) lach letter received <br />becoles a perlanent part of the City record. <br />Becole involved in the current happenings of your cOllunity. <br />Attend leetings, apply for appointlents and volunteer for <br />cOllittees. <br /> <br />RIVIRS AID LAIIS CLIAI UP - Thank you to the Peltier Lake <br />Association and the Centerville Lake Association for the annual <br />clean up of Peltier and Centerville Lakes. Your cOllunity pride <br />is appreciated by us all. <br /> <br />CITY BALL OrrICI BOURS - 8:00 a.l. to 12:00 noon, Bonday through <br />Thursday. Phone nUlber - 429-3232. Location - 1694 Sorel Street. <br /> <br />IIRI IIGHTIRSBIIDID - The Centennial fire District is looking <br />for individuals frol the Centerville area who are able to respond <br />to lire and Rescue calls during the day hours. lor further <br />inforl8tion, ~ontact Chief Bennett at 784-7472. <br /> <br />CABLI TV - Regularly scheduled leetings are broadcast live on the <br />second and fourth Wednesdays of each lonth. The City Council has <br />recently hired lelly livel of White Bear Lake to run the caleras <br />and hopefully help ilprove quality of the broadcast to residents <br />watching. <br /> <br />CIITIRVILLI LIOlS CLUB - The Centerville Lions Club is seeking <br />new lelbers. The Lions Club provides invaluable services to the <br />City of Centerville and surrounding area. lor inforlation about <br />the Club or lelbership to the Club please call Dave Lutz at 429- <br />8243. <br /> <br />CITY BALL MILL BI CLOSID - Septelber 2, 1991 in observance of <br />Labor Day and October 14, 1991 in observance of Colulbus Day. <br /> <br />CIVIL DllIlSI SIRIR - THAR! YOU to theColulbus Lions Club for <br />your generous donation of $5,000 for the City Civil Defense <br />Siren. The siren should be up and operational soon. A special <br />thank you also to Borthern States Power for the donated pole to <br />lount the siren on and assistance in installing the pole. <br /> <br />RISIGIATIOR - Reluctantly and with regrets the Centerville City <br />Council accepted the resignation of Kayor George Baberlan at the <br />June 26, 1991 City Council leeting. George served on the Council <br />frol January 1, 1988 to June 30, 1991. Thank you, George, for <br />your dedication and cOllitlent to the City. <br /> <br />SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSIIISSIS!!!! - Keeping your tax dollars in <br />the City will benefit the tax base. Centerville currently has 21 <br />businesses .within the City limits. Call City Hall if you would <br />like additional inforlation on any of these businesses. <br /> <br />RIAPPOIITIIITS - On June 26, 1991 the City Council appointed <br />Council lelber John Buckbee III as Kayor. Kayor Buckbee has lany <br />interesting challenges awaiting hil. Bayor Buckbee is a very <br />qualified and cOllitted individual. Resident input and support. <br />will be of great benefit to hil during his new leadership role. <br /> <br />TOI Wilharber was appointed to fill Bayor Buckbee's Council <br />.e.ber seat. Council .e.ber Milharber has previously served on <br />both the Planning and Zoning COllission and the City Council. <br />