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1991 - April
City Council
1991 - April
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6/5/2006 12:40:45 PM
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<br />applications frol those citizens who are interested in becoling <br />IcGruff House sponsors. issentially, the police depart lent will <br />screen applicants to ensure that no crilinal record exists along <br />adult lelbers of a particular household. Once this process is <br />cOlpleted, we will provide a brief training progral to IcGruff <br />participants. Once selected, IcGruff House participants place a <br />HcGruff poster in the window of their hOle. Children will learn <br />to recognize the poster as a place where they can receive help <br />when they are threatened. McGruff House participants do not <br />provide first aid, they do not allow their hOles to be used for <br />"potty breaks., they silply call the police when a child is <br />feeling threatened. We will be kicking off this progral during <br />the April 5th Carnival at Centerville Klelentary School. Anyone <br />who is interested in the progral and who did not pick up an <br />application during the carnival, silply let City Hall know that <br />you're interested, or call the police departlent at 784-2501, <br /> <br />linute and close your garage door so we don't advertise that you <br />have things of value inside. <br /> <br />Also, residents who have boats and lotors sitting in their <br />driveways. Take a few linutes and relove your valuables frol the <br />boat, to include rods and reals, depth finders and sililar. <br />Also, whenever possible, park your boat and lotor within a locked <br />building. lach Spring, thieves start looking for outboard lotors <br />that are easily reloved frol boats together with boating <br />accessories. Outboard lotors in particular are "hot. itels in <br />our area each Spring. Why not lark sOle of these itets with an <br />OPERATION IDKNTIfICATION nUtber as well? Silply stop by the <br />police departtent a~d we will issue you a nalber and loan you an <br />engraver. <br /> <br />The police departlent recently conducted a training session with <br />the Centerville School Patrol, and now we're shifting gears and <br />getting ready for our Bicycle Safety Progral. Plans are in the <br />works to provide educational instruction in the classrool <br />sOletile in lay, to be followed by Centerville's 1st Annual <br />Bicycle Safety Rodeo which is scheduled for Saturday, Kay 18th, <br />starting around 1:00. We have asked the school district to allow <br />us to utilize the parking lot at Centerville Kletentary School. <br />Essentially, parents bring interested children and their bicycles <br />down to the elelentary school where we practice safe riding <br />skills, hand signals, etc. At the end of the progral, all <br />participants will be eligible for a drawing whereby a new bicycle <br />and nUlerous bicycle accessories will be given away to the kids. <br />Additional inforlation on the Bicycle Safety Rodeo will be forth <br />coting in the Quad COllunity Press. <br /> <br />Lastly, citizens who are interested in starting a Neighborhood <br />Watch Progral should contact either City Hall or the Police <br />Departlent. Neighborhood Watch is an extrelely worthwhile <br />progral whereby neighbors band together and fori a watch group <br />within their own neighborhood. We provide sOle basic training to <br />participants and establish an ongoing progral within your <br />neighborhood. Working together, we can lake a difference!!! <br />Call the police departtent for additional inforlatioD. <br /> <br />David VanBurkleo <br />Chief of Police <br />184-2501 <br /> <br />As I wander around Centerville, a couple of thoughts cOle to lind <br />which are in need of sharing with local residents. first of all, <br />there are too lany garage doors left standing wide open. <br />Regardless of whether you are at hOle, or have just run down to <br />fill the gas tank, I can assure you that individuals are "casing" <br />yoar garage, looting for things of value to steal. Please take a <br />
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